National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

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Waco - Thanksgiving Climatology

the fourth Thursday in November   (other dates prior to 1942)

  • Normal maximum: 66°F
  • Normal minimum: 43°F
  • Number of freezes: 16
  • Number of days with maximum:
         100°F or more: 0 
         32°F or less: 0
Highest Maximum
Rank Temperature Date
84 Nov 23, 1967
84 Nov 24, 1910
3 82 Nov 25, 1926
80 Nov 26, 1981
80 Nov 25, 1965


Lowest Minimum
Rank Temperature Date
1 19 Nov 30, 1911
2 25 Nov 24, 1938
27 Nov 28, 2013
27 Nov 25, 1993
27 Nov 27, 1975


Lowest Maximum
Rank Temperature Date
1 38 Nov 25, 1993
2 40 Nov 27, 1952
3 41 Nov 24, 1938
4 43 Nov 26, 1992
45 Nov 28, 1996
45 Nov 28, 1985
45 Nov 23, 1972
45 Nov 27, 1958
Highest Minimum
Rank Temperature Date
1 67 Nov 26, 2015
2 66 Nov 24, 1966
65 Nov 27, 1997
65 Nov 28, 1991
65 Nov 25, 1926
65 Nov 30, 1922
  • Number of occurrences with any precipitation: 35
  • Number of occurrences with measurable precipitation: 29
  • Average amount when precipitation occurred: 0.31"
  • Chance of measurable precipitation: 24%
  • Number of occurrences of:
         thunder: 6
         snow: 3 
         sleet (ice pellets): 2 
         freezing rain/freezing drizzle (glaze): 1 
         fog: 22
Rank Precipitation Date
1 2.33 Nov 24, 2022
2 1.24 Nov 27, 1958
3 1.18 Nov 26, 1914
4 0.85 Nov 22, 1990
5 0.69 Nov 26, 2015