National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce


StormReady’s 10th Anniversary in Georgia

This April marked the 10th anniversary of the StormReady program in Georgia. Designed to improve severe weather preparedness in the state, StormReady has extended into 71 counties with the tremendous assistance of the Georgia Emergency Management Agency (GEMA) and the Emergency Management Association of Georgia (EMAG). Both of these partner groups have representatives that sit on the Georgia StormReady Advisory Board and work with the National Weather Service to evaluate applications and pronounce recognitions when counties have met the StormReady guidelines. StormReady is a program that can benefit every county and its citizens, regardless of size, population, per capita revenue, location, etc. For more information on the program guidelines, click here.

We especially want to highlight those counties that have met the program guidelines since Georgia’s StormReady program began in April, 2001. Those counties are:


Add to this list 65 other Georgia counties that have also achieved the recognition. Through their commitment to and participation in StormReady, severe weather preparedness has improved statewide, and the actions taken by these counties during hazardous weather has undoubtedly saved lives and reduced property loss. The massive tornado outbreak of April 2011 clearly showed that being prepared for severe weather is a key part of survival. We congratulate those counties that have understood this and taken the extra steps to achieve StormReady recognition over these past ten years. Here’s hoping for another ten years and more counties!


[Storm Ready 10th Anniversary Logo]