Fire Weather Headlines & Forecast: |
Fire Weather Watch or Red Flag Warning |
Issued for extreme fire danger conditions. A Red Flag Warning means that critical fire weather conditions are occurring now or will develop shortly. A combination of strong wind, low relative humidity, and warm temperatures will contribute to extreme and explosive fire growth behavior. A Fire Weather Watch means high potential exists for these rapid fire growth conditions within the next 12-36 hours. |
Fire Weather Forecast (text) |
County-by-County detailed forecast of fire growth parameters. |
Hourly Forecast Information: |
Hourly Forecast Graphs |
Can select Hourly Weather Graph or Tabular, and then choose fire weather elements. Can also access these through our Weather Activity Planner. |
Fire Weather Dashboard |
Includes hourly forecasts. Enter your location or click on the map. |
Graphical Forecasts & Outlooks: |
Fire Weather Forecast Maps
Available graphics include:
- Grassland Fire Danger Index
- Max/Min Temperature
- Humidity
- Wind Gusts
- Chance of precipitation
- Amount of precipitation
- Dewpoint Temperature
- Weather
- Sky Cover
Grassland Fire Danger Index (GFDI)
Background on GFDI |
IA Forecast Grassland Fire Danger Index
IA Forecast Cropland Fire Danger Index (autumn)

Click image above for a larger image

Click image above for a larger image
Hazardous Weather Outlook |
Graphical (Local Area) |
Outlooks for hazardous weather including fire weather. |
Graphical (All of Iowa) |