Please use this page to help you quickly gather the weather information you are looking for.
You are always welcome to contact us via phone or social media for a soundbite or to answer any questions you still have.
NWS Offices That Serve Pennsylvania
State College Pittsburgh Cleveland (OH) Philadelphia Binghamton (NY)
Weather Information
NWS State College Weather Synopsis (from the Area Forecast Discussion)
Statewide Weather Summary
All of PA
Current Conditions Across the Region
All of PA
All of NY
All of OH
MD/Parts of VA&WV
Forecast for Major Cities in Central PA
Johnstown Altoona State College Williamsport
Harrisburg York Lancaster
Airport METAR Observations (MTR)
Bradford (BFD) Altoona (AOO) State College (UNV) Williamsport (IPT)
Johnstown (JST) Harrisburg (MDT) Lancaster (LNS)
Climate Information
Latest Climate Records Set
(Issued as necessary)
Harrisburg Williamsport
Daily Climate Reports
(Issued daily around 530PM and 230AM)
Harrisburg Williamsport Altoona Johnstown Bradford
Monthly Climate Reports
(Issued on the 1st of each month)
Harrisburg Williamsport Altoona Johnstown Bradford
Seasonal Climate Reports
(Issued by the 3rd of Mar/Jun/Sep/Dec)
Harrisburg Williamsport Altoona Johnstown Bradford
Miscellaneous Links
Current Hazardous Weather Briefing (if applicable)
Forecast Maps