Light to moderate snow will continue into Saturday over the Great Lakes, Central Appalachians, and Northeast. This weekend into next week, a series of atmospheric rivers will bring gusty winds, periods of heavy rain, and mountain snow to northern California and the Pacific Northwest. Colder temperatures are in store for the weekend from the Great Lakes to East Coast. Read More >
A few locations set record minimum (low) temperatures for the day like Bradford (McKean County) Airport, where -18°F was the low temperature. See some of the other cold readings below.
Pennsylvania State All-Time record lowest temperature of -42 °F set in Smethport (also in McKean County) back in January (5th) of 1904. Here is the official data for Smethport for that month:
Public Information Statement National Weather Service State College PA 1014 AM EST Sat Jan 22 2022 ...LOW TEMPERATURE REPORTS... Location Temp Time/Date Provider ...Pennsylvania... ...Adams County... Fruit Research And Extension -5 F 0558 AM 01/22 MESOWEST ...Bedford County... Bedford Airport -10 F 0750 AM 01/22 AWOS Wolfsburg -9 F 0700 AM 01/22 COOP Claysburg -9 F 0826 AM 01/22 CWOP Saxton -3 F 0731 AM 01/22 CWOP ...Blair County... I-99 Exit 41 Bellwood -8 F 0720 AM 01/22 PADOT Tyrone -7 F 0804 AM 01/22 CWOP 2 NNW Altoona -6 F 0725 AM 01/22 AWS Roaring Spring -5 F 0734 AM 01/22 AWS Penn State Altoona -4 F 0700 AM 01/22 MESOWEST Altoona -4 F 0715 AM 01/22 CWOP Blair Helibase -4 F 0716 AM 01/22 RAWS Williamsburg -3 F 0715 AM 01/22 HADS Claysburg -1 F 0745 AM 01/22 CWOP Altoona Airport -1 F 0753 AM 01/22 ASOS ...Cambria County... Ebensburg -8 F 0656 AM 01/22 CWOP Loretto -8 F 0726 AM 01/22 AWS Johnstown Airport -1 F 0654 AM 01/22 ASOS ...Cameron County... Emporium -13 F 0734 AM 01/22 CWOP Doll Hill -5 F 0750 AM 01/22 RAWS ...Centre County... South Philipsburg -13 F 0725 AM 01/22 CWOP Philipsburg -12 F 0700 AM 01/22 COOP 2 SW State College -11 F 0655 AM 01/22 CWOP Spring Mills -11 F 0705 AM 01/22 CWOP I-99 MP 62.5 Centre County -10 F 0750 AM 01/22 PADOT I-80 E/B @ MM 146.4 Rest Are -10 F 0805 AM 01/22 PADOT Port Matilda -8 F 0747 AM 01/22 CWOP Aaronsburg -8 F 0748 AM 01/22 CWOP Bellefonte -7 F 0716 AM 01/22 CWOP Stormstown -7 F 0732 AM 01/22 CWOP Lemont -7 F 0808 AM 01/22 CWOP State College -5 F 0715 AM 01/22 CWOP Rock Springs -5 F 0755 AM 01/22 MESOWEST PSU Campus -5 F 0759 AM 01/22 MESOWEST 1.2 E Rock Springs (SCAN) -5 F 0800 AM 01/22 MESOWEST Pennsylvania Furnace -5 F 0808 AM 01/22 CWOP Pasto Ag Museum WxSTEM -5 F 0810 AM 01/22 MESOWEST State College -4 F 0710 AM 01/22 CWOP Zion -4 F 0718 AM 01/22 CWOP Stormstown -4 F 0731 AM 01/22 CWOP AccuWeather HQ -4 F 0746 AM 01/22 CWOP Stormstown -4 F 0746 AM 01/22 CWOP Garden Hollow -4 F 0808 AM 01/22 RAWS Port Matilda -4 F 0820 AM 01/22 CWOP PSU Arboretum WxSTEM -3 F 0740 AM 01/22 MESOWEST I-80 WB @ MM 153.8 -3 F 0755 AM 01/22 MESOWEST PSU Golf Course WxSTEM -3 F 0810 AM 01/22 MESOWEST PSU Beaver Stadium WxSTEM -2 F 0720 AM 01/22 MESOWEST 2.2 SW Beech Creek -2 F 0745 AM 01/22 HADS University Park Airport -2 F 0753 AM 01/22 AWOS State College -1 F 0816 AM 01/22 CWOP ...Clearfield County... Grampian -12 F 0615 AM 01/22 COOP I-80 W/B @ Exit 120 Clearfie -11 F 0720 AM 01/22 PADOT I-80 W/B @ Exit 133 Kylertow -10 F 0750 AM 01/22 PADOT Psu Dubois -10 F 0800 AM 01/22 MESOWEST Clearfield Airport -8 F 0654 AM 01/22 ASOS Dubois -8 F 0816 AM 01/22 CWOP I-80 W/B @ Exit 111 Clearfie -7 F 0555 AM 01/22 PADOT Kennedy Preserve -5 F 0608 AM 01/22 RAWS ...Clinton County... Loganton -13 F 0744 AM 01/22 AWS I-80 E/B @ MM 190.6 Clinton -12 F 0755 AM 01/22 PADOT I-80 E/B @ MM 194.8 Clinton -10 F 0745 AM 01/22 PADOT Renovo -6 F 0700 AM 01/22 COOP Lock Haven Airport -2 F 0820 AM 01/22 AWOS ...Columbia County... Stillwater -6 F 0813 AM 01/22 CWOP 1 NNE Knoebels Grove -4 F 0750 AM 01/22 AWS I-80 E/B MM 246 @ Roadside R -1 F 0805 AM 01/22 PADOT ...Cumberland County... Shippensburg -2 F 0750 AM 01/22 CWOP ...Dauphin County... Manda Gap -4 F 0718 AM 01/22 RAWS Elizabethville -2 F 0809 AM 01/22 AWS Paxtonia -1 F 0659 AM 01/22 CWOP ...Elk County... Kersey -17 F 0755 AM 01/22 CWOP Ridgway -14 F 0700 AM 01/22 COOP St Marys -9 F 0738 AM 01/22 AWOS ...Franklin County... Upper Strasburg -5 F 0809 AM 01/22 CWOP ...Fulton County... Forney Trail -9 F 0749 AM 01/22 RAWS 2 SSW Cove Mills -7 F 0755 AM 01/22 AWS I-70 E/B MM 170 @ MD / PA Bo -1 F 0735 AM 01/22 PADOT ...Huntingdon County... Shavers Creek WxSTEM -7 F 0810 AM 01/22 MESOWEST Huntingdon -4 F 0739 AM 01/22 CWOP ...Juniata County... Mifflintown -1 F 0739 AM 01/22 AWS ...Lebanon County... Indiantown Run -5 F 0713 AM 01/22 RAWS ...Lycoming County... Jersey Shore -13 F 0835 AM 01/22 CWOP Cedar Run -8 F 0900 AM 01/22 HADS Duboistown -5 F 0735 AM 01/22 CWOP Montoursville -5 F 0755 AM 01/22 CWOP Williamsport -4 F 0800 AM 01/22 AWS Jersey Shore -4 F 0819 AM 01/22 CWOP Williamsport Airport -3 F 0754 AM 01/22 ASOS Montgomery -1 F 0755 AM 01/22 CWOP ...McKean County... Smethport -23 F 0715 AM 01/22 CWOP Bradford 5SW -18 F 0800 AM 01/22 COOP Bradford Airport -14 F 0653 AM 01/22 ASOS US-219/US-6 -5 F 0750 AM 01/22 MESOWEST SR219 & SR6 -5 F 0750 AM 01/22 PADOT Kane -4 F 0745 AM 01/22 AWS ...Mifflin County... 2 SSW Alfarata -5 F 0655 AM 01/22 AWS US-322 EB Seven Mountains -2 F 0750 AM 01/22 MESOWEST Indian Valley ElemSch WxSTEM -1 F 0750 AM 01/22 MESOWEST ...Northumberland County... 2.6 N Mount Carmel -13 F 0749 AM 01/22 HADS Ferndale -6 F 0755 AM 01/22 AWS Knoebels Grove -5 F 0800 AM 01/22 AWS Milton -4 F 0744 AM 01/22 AWS Wolf Pond -2 F 0608 AM 01/22 RAWS PA-54 WB Natalie Mtn -2 F 0635 AM 01/22 MESOWEST Trevorton -2 F 0824 AM 01/22 AWS Elysburg -1 F 0755 AM 01/22 CWOP ...Perry County... 1 SW Loysville -5 F 0749 AM 01/22 AWS Big Knob -4 F 0608 AM 01/22 RAWS ...Potter County... Sweden Valley -16 F 0747 AM 01/22 CWOP Coudersport 7SE -11 F 0700 AM 01/22 COOP Coudersport -11 F 0808 AM 01/22 CWOP US-6 @ Denton Hill -8 F 0605 AM 01/22 MESOWEST SR6 @ Coudersport Potter Co -8 F 0605 AM 01/22 PADOT Germania -3 F 0145 AM 01/22 CWOP ...Schuylkill County... Tower City -5 F 0736 AM 01/22 CWOP Valley View -5 F 0806 AM 01/22 CWOP Bears Head -5 F 0808 AM 01/22 RAWS New Ringgold -2 F 0815 AM 01/22 CWOP I-81 SB @ Exit 134 Delano -1 F 0720 AM 01/22 MESOWEST I-81 NB @ Exit 112 PA-25 Heg -1 F 0720 AM 01/22 MESOWEST I-81 S/B @ Exit 134 Delano S -1 F 0720 AM 01/22 PADOT I-81 N/B @ Exit 112 Hegins S -1 F 0720 AM 01/22 PADOT Frackville -1 F 0803 AM 01/22 CWOP ...Somerset County... US-219 NB @ Meyersdale Bypas -17 F 0650 AM 01/22 MESOWEST SR 219 N/B @ Meyersdale Bypa -17 F 0650 AM 01/22 PADOT Meyersdale -14 F 0758 AM 01/22 CWOP PA56 Babcock Mtn RWIS -13 F 0650 AM 01/22 MESOWEST SR56 & Babcock Mtn -13 F 0650 AM 01/22 PADOT Sipesville -13 F 0719 AM 01/22 CWOP Somerset -12 F 0738 AM 01/22 CWOP Somerset Airport -9 F 0635 AM 01/22 AWOS US-219 SB Garrett BYP RWIS -9 F 0705 AM 01/22 MESOWEST US 219 SB Garrett Bypass -9 F 0705 AM 01/22 PADOT Confluence 1 SW -6 F 0800 AM 01/22 COOP ...Sullivan County... Dushore -20 F 0730 AM 01/22 Trained Spotter US-220 SB @ Loyalsock Creek -19 F 0805 AM 01/22 MESOWEST US 220 SB @ Loyalsock Creek -19 F 0805 AM 01/22 PADOT Shunk -16 F 0700 AM 01/22 Trained Spotter 1 N Laporte -13 F 0730 AM 01/22 Trained Spotter 3.4 E Muncy Valley -10 F 0800 AM 01/22 HADS Laporte -6 F 0736 AM 01/22 COOP ...Tioga County... 2 SE Leonard Harrison State -22 F 0730 AM 01/22 Trained Spotter Knoxville -18 F 0815 AM 01/22 CWOP Cowanesque Dam -16 F 0700 AM 01/22 COOP Wellsboro -16 F 0746 AM 01/22 CWOP Wellsboro Airport -13 F 0815 AM 01/22 AWOS 1.3 NE Leonard Harrison SP -12 F 0700 AM 01/22 COOP Wellsboro -12 F 0740 AM 01/22 CWOP Westfield -12 F 0805 AM 01/22 CWOP Tioga -12 F 0830 AM 01/22 HADS Old Mountain -11 F 0816 AM 01/22 RAWS Morris -4 F 0725 AM 01/22 CWOP US-15 SB Blossurg Exit 172 -2 F 0155 AM 01/22 MESOWEST US 15 S/B Bloss Mtn @ Libert -2 F 0205 AM 01/22 PADOT ...Union County... Mifflinburg -7 F 0750 AM 01/22 AWS Lewisburg -4 F 0700 AM 01/22 COOP Lewisburg -1 F 0805 AM 01/22 CWOP ...Warren County... Grand Valley -18 F 0816 AM 01/22 CWOP Tidioute -14 F 0750 AM 01/22 AWS Kinzua -9 F 0807 AM 01/22 RAWS && Observations are collected from a variety of sources with varying equipment and exposures. We thank all volunteer weather observers for their dedication. Not all data listed are considered official. $$ |