National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce


High moisture values were tapped by a weak Mesoscale Convective Vortex (MCV) that rolled NW to SE through the state during the middle of the day on August 12th. The vortex touched off numerous showers and thunderstorms with torrential rain falling over the lower Susquehanna valley during the afternoon. Capital City Airport (KCXY) recorded over 3 inches of rain in just one hour, while Harrisburg International Airport (KMDT) received less than three-quarters of an inch of rain during the same time. This is a perfect example of how your neighbor can have much different weather than you -- CXY and MDT are only 3 miles apart.

The torrential rain caused flash flooding in many spots -- especially over Harrisburg City, northern York County and southern Adams County. Much of the area received rainfall during the early morning hours which set the stage for the rainfall in the afternoon to quickly run off into the local low spots and small creeks and streams. The urbanized areas of the Harrisburg metro area bore the brunt of the flooding reports, mainly due to the intensity of the rain over the area, but also because the concrete and other impervious surfaces do not allow water to soak into the ground. That rain rapidly runs downhill and collects at low spots and bottle necks/constrictions like underpasses and culverts.

A few water rescues occurred during the late afternoon and evening and a few people were evacuated from their residences in the southern part of the City of Harrisburg. See the preliminary storm reports and some associated images below:

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Flooding in Harrisburg, photo courtesy Dauphin County Emergency Management Dulles (KLWX) sounding at 12z on the 12th Visible sat. image from the morning of the 12th, note circulation from MCV over Central PA and clearing to the south  IR Sat. image during the morning
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