National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce


A line of storms moved into Western Pennsylvania during the afternoon of April 3rd, 2006, and produced large amounts of small hail. A few reports of wind damage in large/damaging hail were received from Warren County (Northwestern PA), but all the rest of the hail was smaller than pennies - which is the threshold for severe/damaging hail.

The unusual thing about these storms is that they made copious amounts of small hail - as it covered the ground in many places in the Laurel Highlands and Allegheny Plateau.

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Reflectivity plan view from 1901z with line of storms entering west-central PA Reflectivity plan view from 2001z with line of storms producing lots of small hail Reflectivity Cross Section through hail storm near DuBois, PA
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Reflectivity Cross Section through hail storm Reflectivity Cross Section through hail storm
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