National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce


Jeanne took a long time to make it to her eventual landfall in Florida, but then quickly found her way up the Appalachians, and into the Mid-Atlantic. When she arrived here, she made lots of rain!

Rainfall from Hurricane Jeanne was up to 4 inches in many locations across the lower Susquehanna Valley. The map below is the radar's rainfall estimate using the Tropical-rainfall relationship. The highest rainfall report we received was 5 inches in western Adams County (in both Fairfield and Cashtown). See the text list below the picture for details on the reports received so far (as of 8 pm EDT Mon). Widespread flooding of most creeks and streams, as well as the smaller rivers and tributaries (of the Main Stem Susquehanna) occurred.

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Jeanne's Meandering Path Rainfall Through 8pm EDT Monday IR Satellite Imagery
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