Prototype -- This webpage is under development; content may vary and availability is not guaranteed.
For current forecasts and information, click on the headings in the green menu above.
Harmful algal blooms in western Lake Erie present a challenge to scientists, as these blooms require knowledge in a variety of fields. Thus, these blooms present a true collaboration opportunity among several National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) agencies to unite in research, data collection and monitoring, forecasts and modeling, and dissemination of information about harmful algal blooms in western Lake Erie. Each agency has contributed with their area of expertise to support the ecosystem and the impacts of harmful algal blooms on the lives and livelihoods of those living, recreating and supporting commerce in and around Lake Erie.
This webpage is being provided as part of a multi-agency effort to provide information about and access to existing forecasts of Harmful Algal Blooms. Forecast information/products are provided by the agencies listed below and may be in varying stages of development. Visit those agencies at their web pages below for detailed information about the operational status of these products, contacts, and other HAB questions.