National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Possible Record Breaking Warmth in the Western U.S.; Elevated to Critical Fire Weather in the Eastern U.S.

Anomalously warm temperatures over the western U.S. today and Wednesday may break or tie current high and warm low records. In the East, dry conditions and gusty winds are bringing elevated fire weather to parts of the Eastern U.S. with critical fire weather in the southern Appalachians. Read More >

 NRCS SNOWPACK SWE (Snow Water Equivalent) MAPs (% of Median) 
% of Median
Basins & SNOTEL Sites
% of Median
River Basin only
% of Median
SNOTEL sites only


Colorado Basins (interactive)
Colorado Subbasins (interactive)

Western U.S. Basins (interactive)


Colorado (static map)
Colorado Basins (interactive)
Colorado Subbasins (interactive)
Western U.S. Basins (static map)
Western U.S. Basins (interactive)


Colorado (interactive)
West of Divide (CBRFC)
Colorado/Western U.S. (Interactive)


Statewide and Basins in North Central Colorado Subbasins in the
South Platte Basin
Subbasins in the North Platte Basin
and just West of the Divide


South Platte River Basin
Upper Colorado River Basin
  North Platte/Laramie Basins
State of Colorado

Individual SNOTEL sites


Big Thompson River
Boulder Creek
Cache la Poudre River
Clear Creek
Saint Vrain Creek
Headwaters South Platte


Blue River
Headwaters Colorado River
Muddy Creek
Williams Fork
Willow Creek
Laramie River
North Platte River


NWS Snowfall Analysis & Reports Colorado CoCoRaHS Reports NWS Monthly Snowfall


Snowfall Reports Map (interactive)
(from 1 to 72 hr slider) or
7am Contour Map (interactive)
(24, 48 or 72 hr snowfall)


Snowfall Map (interactive)
New Snow H20 content (interactive)


COOP and Spotter Colorado Maps


NOHRSC Colorado Map Colorado CoCoRaHS Reports NRCS Colorado Snow Depths


Modeled Snow Depths
Modeled Snow Depth Change
Modeled Snow Depth SWE


Snow Depth Map
New Snow (24 hour)
Snow Depth Maps (click county)


Basin Snow Depth Map
  Snow Depth Map (interactive)


Central Rockies including Western Colorado (below or click here)
Snow Depth
Snow Depth SWE Change
Snow Melt
Western Plains including Eastern Colorado (below or click here)
Snow Depth
Snow Depth SWE Change
Snow Melt