National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce


Crenshaw-Pike EF-0 Tornado (Pike County)
  April 14, 2019


Event Summary

Estimated Maximum Wind:
70 mph
Damage Path Length:
1.09 miles
Maximum Path Width:
50 yards
Approximate Start Point/Time:
1 W Goshen
at 657 am
Approximate End Point/Time:
at 659 am


National Weather Service meteorologists surveyed the damage in southwestern Pike County near Goshen and determined it was the result of a tornado with maximum sustained winds of 70 mph.

The tornado initially touched down just west of Jones Bridge Road in Crenshaw County where several trees were observed to be uprooted. The tornado then moved northeast where farm buildings sustained major roof damage, and tin from the roof was carried some distance northeastward. Along North Goshen Road, several trees were uprooted and large branches were snapped. The tornado then moved in a more eastward direction crossing into Pike County and lifted west of the town of Goshen, where several trees and a gas station awning were damaged.


Radar Image
Reflectivity (left) and velocity (right) of the circulation as the tornado crossed into Pike County.
Images are from KEOX at 657 am.