National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Radar Images 2303Z

At 2303Z the reflectivity data had a definite spiral look to it, as the concavity on the southern flank became sharper.  55+ dBZ was no longer detected on the southern flank as it had been.
At 2303Z the reflectivity data had a definite spiral look to it, as the concavity on the southern flank became sharper. 55+ dBZ was no longer detected on the southern flank as it had been.
A velocity couplet was evident at 0.5 and 1.5 degrees, but it was up at 2.4 and 3.4 degrees that the V<sub>r</sub> equaled 41 and 36 kts respectively (the couplet was gate-to-gate).  The storm-relative inbound velocities were 50+ kts at these two higher slices.  A TVS was detected with this circulation at the end of the volume scan (around 2308Z).
A velocity couplet was evident at 0.5 and 1.5 degrees, but it was up at 2.4 and 3.4 degrees that the Vr equaled 41 and 36 kts respectively (the couplet was gate-to-gate). The storm-relative inbound velocities were 50+ kts at these two higher slices. A TVS was detected with this circulation at the end of the volume scan (around 2308Z).