Site | Latest Observation | Highest Forecast Value | More Data | |
For the location TOWK1 Whitewater River nr Towanda, KS |
The latest stage is 1.93 @2025-03-28 14:30 CT |
And the highest forecasted value is |
More data available Table Hydrograph |
For the location COWK1 Cowskin Creek at Wichita 119th St, KS |
The latest stage is 6.94 @2025-03-28 14:30 CT |
And the highest forecasted value is |
More data available Table Hydrograph |
For the location AGSK1 Whitewater River at Augusta, KS |
The latest stage is 3.63 @2025-03-28 15:15 CT |
And the highest forecasted value is |
More data available Table Hydrograph |
For the location EDEK1 Walnut River nr El Dorado, KS |
The latest stage is 1.96 @2025-03-28 15:00 CT |
And the highest forecasted value is |
More data available Table Hydrograph |
For the location EDWK1 Walnut River at El Dorado, KS |
The latest stage is 6.00 @2025-03-28 15:00 CT |
And the highest forecasted value is |
More data available Table Hydrograph |
For the location AGAK1 Walnut River at Augusta, KS |
The latest stage is 5.64 @2025-03-28 15:00 CT |
And the highest forecasted value is |
More data available Table Hydrograph |
For the location WFDK1 Walnut River at Winfield, KS |
The latest stage is 0.80 @2025-03-28 15:00 CT |
And the highest forecasted value is |
More data available Table Hydrograph |
For the location ARKK1 Walnut River at Arkansas City, KS |
The latest stage is 2.84 @2025-03-28 15:15 CT |
And the highest forecasted value is |
More data available Table Hydrograph |
For the location HAVK1 Arkansas River nr Haven, KS |
The latest stage is 1.90 @2025-03-28 14:30 CT |
And the highest forecasted value is |
More data available Table Hydrograph |
For the location ALMK1 Little Arkansas River at Alta Mills, KS |
The latest stage is -0.75 @2025-03-28 15:15 CT |
And the highest forecasted value is |
More data available Table Hydrograph |
For the location HTDK1 Little Arkansas River nr Halstead, KS |
The latest stage is 5.70 @2025-03-28 14:30 CT |
And the highest forecasted value is |
More data available Table Hydrograph |
For the location SEDK1 Little Arkansas River nr Sedgwick, KS |
The latest stage is 1.92 @2025-03-28 15:15 CT |
And the highest forecasted value is |
More data available Table Hydrograph |
For the location MDKK1 Ninnescah River nr Murdock, KS |
The latest stage is 3.44 @2025-03-28 15:00 CT |
And the highest forecasted value is |
More data available Table Hydrograph |
For the location PECK1 Ninnescah River nr Peck, KS |
The latest stage is 2.58 @2025-03-28 15:00 CT |
And the highest forecasted value is |
More data available Table Hydrograph |
For the location BLPK1 Ninnescah River nr Belle Plaine, KS |
The latest stage is **Missing Value** -- |
And the highest forecasted value is |
More data available Table Hydrograph |
For the location DRBK1 Arkansas River at Derby, KS |
The latest stage is 0.87 @2025-03-28 15:00 CT |
And the highest forecasted value is |
More data available Table Hydrograph |
For the location MULK1 Arkansas River nr Mulvane, KS |
The latest stage is 5.20 @2025-03-28 14:15 CT |
And the highest forecasted value is |
More data available Table Hydrograph |
For the location OXFK1 Arkansas River at Oxford, KS |
The latest stage is 7.48 @2025-03-28 14:45 CT |
And the highest forecasted value is |
More data available Table Hydrograph |
For the location ARCK1 Arkansas River at Arkansas City, KS |
The latest stage is 3.11 @2025-03-28 15:00 CT |
And the highest forecasted value is |
More data available Table Hydrograph |