Type www.weather.gov/abr into any webbrowser
Find the Travel Forecast link by looking under the Local Information dropdown menu, or by scrolling to the bottom of the page and clicking on Travel Forecast under the Weather Forecasts section
Now that you are at the travel forecast page, you can see how the forecast is changing through time. Simply click on the 6 hour time blocks at the bottom of the page to see weather conditions for that time period.
Click on highway segments to get details about the forecast. You can also zoom in on the map to see additional highways.
Use the left hand side menu to select "Criteria Customization". Use the slider bars to choose weather forecast variables based on values that are important to you. Click update! The colors of the road segments will adjust accordingly on the map.
Use the left hand side menu to select "Navigation and Overlays". Enter your departure location and time, and your destination location. Click go! The map will zoom to the highways along your route, with the weather information included based on travel time. The point to point forecast is still in 6 hour periods, and will only display the currently selected time period for the estimated time that you will be traveling during that section. Sections of road that fall outside of that estimate will be grayed out.
Use the left hand side menu to select "Legend & Help". Click on common questions to see detailed answers.