Aberdeen, SD
Weather Forecast Office
While clicking on your location on the map will give you the most up to date forecast for your specific location, we want to highlight a couple of additional resources available on our page.
Probabilistic Snowfall Forecast page: https://www.weather.gov/abr/winter
Winter Weather Briefing page: https://www.weather.gov/abr/embrief_winter
Briefing Packet page: https://www.weather.gov/media/abr/DssPacket.pdf
Area Road Reports:
South Dakota... https://www.sd511.org/
Minnesota... https://511mn.org/
North Dakota... https://travel.dot.nd.gov/
Follow us on Social Media:
Twitter... https://twitter.com/NWSAberdeen
Facebook... https://www.facebook.com/NWSAberdeen/
US Dept of Commerce
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Weather Service
Aberdeen, SD
824 391st Ave S.
Aberdeen, SD 57401-9311
Comments? Questions? Please Contact Us.