National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

April 2015 was a very warm month across central and northeast South Dakota, as well as west central Minnesota. Average temperatures were anywhere from 3 to 4 degrees above normal. While the average high temperatures across the region were from 4 to 7 degrees above normal, the average lows were within 1 to 2 degrees above normal.

The area was also very dry throughout April with precipitation departures across the region generally from an inch to nearly two inches below normal.  As a result, moderate drought conditions expanded to include most of South Dakota. By the end of the month, severe drought conditions developed over a good portion of central South Dakota.  Many locations had one of their top ten driest April’s on record.  The Mellette area had their driest April on record with Roscoe having their 2nd driest April on record.  Watertown, Kennebec, and Wilmot all had their 6th driest April on record. Aberdeen and Pierre had their 15th driest April on record.

April was just a continuation of the dryness since the beginning of the year.  From January 1st through April 30th, many locations had one of their top ten driest periods since records began.  Kennebec and Murdo had their driest January through April period with less than an inch of precipitation.  Pierre had its driest period with only a little over an inch since January 1st.   Gettysburg, Summit, Selby, and Mellette all had their second driest January through April period with Sisseton having the third driest, Watertown fourth driest, with the sixth driest at Aberdeen.

APRIL 2015


Temperature Data





Warmest Temperature / Date

81 / 11th, 14th, 30th

80 / 14th, 30th

81 / 15th

76 / 14th, 30th

Coldest Temperature / Date

15 / 22nd

19 / 3rd, 23rd

17 / 3rd, 4th

17 / 3rd

Average High / Departure from Normal

64.4 / +7.4

61.8 / +5.5

60.5 / +5.3

61.1 / +5.5

Average Low / Departure from Normal

32.5 / +0.7

32.9 / +0.3

32.1 / +0.1

33.6 / +1.5

Monthly Average / Departure from Normal

48.5 / +4.1

47.4 / +2.9

46.3 / +2.7

47.3 / +3.5

Precipitation Data


Monthly Precipitation / Departure from Normal

0.55 / -1.30

0.65 / -1.63

0.57 / -1.67

0.39 / -1.63

Monthly Snowfall / Departure from Normal

0.0 / -3.1

0.0 / -3.8

Trace / -4.4

Trace / -3.3

Most Precipitation in 24 hours / Date

0.35 / 18-19th

0.29 / 18-19th

0.31 / 19th

0.23 / 18th-19th

Most Snow in 24 hours / Date



Trace / 21st

Trace / 9th


Temperature Data




Timber Lake

Warmest Temperature / Date

85 / 30th

83 / 30th

84 / 14th

79 / 14th

Coldest Temperature / Date

18 / 3rd

17 / 3rd, 22nd

18 / 3rd

17 / 3rd

Average High / Departure from Normal

63.8 / +4.1

67.5 / +5.3

63.5 / +5.5

62.6 / +3.8

Average Low / Departure from Normal

35.2 / +1.0

35.0 / +1.0

33.8 / +1.3

34.3 / +1.6

Monthly Average / Departure from Normal

49.5 / +2.5

51.2 / +3.1

48.7 / +3.4

48.4 / +2.6

Precipitation Data


Monthly Precipitation / Departure from Normal

0.49 / -1.32

0.34 / -1.82

0.50 / -1.07

0.81 / -0.89

Monthly Snowfall / Departure from Normal

0.0 / -4.1

0.0 / -3.9

Trace / -3.2

0.0 / -5.3

Most Precipitation in 24 hours / Date

0.23 / 25th

0.22 / 9th

0.35 / 18-19th

0.57 / 19th

Most Snow in 24 hours / Date



Trace / 21st
