July 2018 was generally warmer than normal across New Mexico, while precipitation was mixed. A swath from southwest to northeast had above normal precipitation, while remaining areas had near to below normal precipitation.
July was an active month overall, especially the second half of the month, with significant severe weather outbreaks on the 15th, 23rd and 30th.
Statewide Precipitation and Temperatures
Statewide Precipitation - Actual |
Statewide Temperatures - Actual |

Statewide Precipitation - % Departure From Normal |
Statewide Temperatures - Departure From Normal |


Climate Cities Temperatures and Precipitation
Albuquerque |
There was 2.21 inches of precipitation measured at the Sunport in July 2018, which was 0.71 inches above the average of 1.50 inches.
The average temperature for Albuquerque in July 2018 was 79.7°, which was 1.4 degrees above the normal of 78.3°.
The average maximum temperature for the month was 92.0°. This was 1.9 degrees above the normal average maximum temperature of 90.1°.
The average minimum temperature for the month was 67.5°. This was 1.1 degrees above the normal average minimum temperature of 66.4 degrees.
Records: none
Clayton |
There was 4.98 inches of precipitation measured at the Clayton Airport in July 2018, which was 2.32 inches above the average of 2.66 inches. This was the 11th wettest July on record.
The average temperature for Clayton in July 2018 was 74.5°, which was 0.2 degrees below the normal of 74.7°.
The average maximum temperature for the month was 88.7°. This was 0.1 degrees above the normal average maximum temperature of 88.6 degrees.
The average minimum temperature for the month was 60.2°. This was 0.6 degrees below the normal average minimum temperature of 60.8°.
Records: none
Roswell |
There was 0.51 inches of precipitation reported at the Roswell Airport during July of 2018, which was 1.55 inches below the normal of 2.06 inches. This was the 21st driest July on record.
The average temperature in Roswell for July 2018 was 83.5°, which was 3.2 degrees above the normal of 80.3 degrees.
The average maximum temperature for the month was 96.9°. This was 3.2 degrees above the average maximum temperature of 93.7 degrees.
The average minimum temperature for the month was 70.2°. This was 3.2 degrees above the normal average minimum temperature of 67.0°
Records: 18th: record daily high 105 19th: record daily high 107 21st: record daily high 104 22nd: record daily high 106