National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

2016 Albuquerque Monsoon

Precipitation across the Albuquerque Metro Area was generally a bit less than what we would have liked to see this Monsoon. Most areas were a bit below what is considered normal for the season. Some areas got lucky, but it was very hit or miss. If you received a bunch of rain in one afternoon, it's likely your neighbors asked "What rain?"
The maps below show the spatial distribution of monsoonal precipitation across Albuquerque for various years.  Precipitation totals encompass the dates of June 15th through September 30th.  Since the only official stations are the Albuquerque Sunport and a handful of cooperative observers, these maps could only be possible thanks to the dedicated members of the Community Collaborative Rain, Hail and Snow (CoCoRaHS) Network. These volunteer observers help fill in the data gaps across Albuquerque, Rio Rancho, Corrales and Placitas.  However, there are still many areas in southwest Albuquerque that are not represented well due to a lack of observations.  If you want to be a CoCoRaHS observer, please visit the CoCoRaHS webpage!
The map below represents the 2016 Monsoon precipitation totals across the metro area. Most reporting stations received between 2 and 6 inches of rainfall, though there were a few spots that received a little more -- mostly due to a single afternoon deluge!
Spatial Distribution of Monsoonal Precipitation across Albuquerque in 2016

This season, 3.09 inches of rain fell at the Albuquerque Sunport.  This is almost two inches shy of the 2015 total and is also well below climatological normals. Not all locations across Albuquerque saw this kind of paltry precipitation, but there were some, and they were scattered across the metro. Some of the obvious areas that saw these lower precipitation totals included portions of the northeast heights and western Rio Rancho. Meanwhile, the light green splotch across the southeast side of Albuquerque north of Four Hills shows where the biggest precipitation totals were this year. Though the seasonal total was above 5.5 inches, between 2 and 2.5 inches of that fell on August 4th, when very heavy rain fell for almost two hours. Fortunately, no significant flooding was observed with those storms. Nearly two inches of rain fell on portions of northwest Albuquerque and portions of southern Rio Rancho during the early evening of July 29th. Then the following day, over an inch of rain fell across south central Albuquerque, near and just south and east of UNM. The intersection at Silver and Yale as well as the Lomas and Carlisle intersection were closed due to flooding on July 30th.






In 2015, most areas saw above normal precipitation. Wetter parts of the Metro included the westside as well as portions of  the foothills. Most areas along and west of the Rio Grande in Bernalillo County received between 5.5 and 7.5 inches of rain as did the foothills. Rio Rancho was among the driest area in the metro with most locales reporting less than 5 inches of rain.

Spatial Distribution of Monsoonal Precipitation across Albuquerque in 2014





Precipitation amounts for 2014 were very similar to 2015, but different areas saw the greater amounts. Wetter parts of the Albuquerque Metro in 2014 were the UNM area, which was due to between 2.50 and 2.80 inches of rain falling in a two hour period on the night of August 1st. Season totals for the UNM area were between 6 and 7 inches of rain. The foothills were again one of the wetter spots, but interestingly, Rio Rancho was again one of the driest areas.



Using the same scale as above, it is easy to see that the 2013 Monsoon was a wet one. Everyone in the metro area received over 5 inches of rain, and some areas received over 10!  The rain was a welcome sight for many, though in most cases, the rain came faster than what soils could absorb. The enhanced area of precipitation totals, ranging from 10 to 12 inches across the northeast heights, largely stemmed from the back-to-back thunderstorm events on July 26th, where some calendar day totals exceeded 4 to 5 inches. Perhaps more notably, was the week-long stretch of rainfall in September, which accounted for almost half of Albuquerque's Monsoon precipitation. For the Albuquerque Sunport, 3.14 inches of rain was recorded during these 7 days, though some areas in the Foothills and in Rio Rancho received over 5 inches!  Even only using the 3.14 inches at the official station, this was the wettest 7-day stretch since June 1933!

Spatial Distribution of Monsoonal Precipitation across Albuquerque in 2012




Just three years ago, we thought it would never rain again.  Ok, that's a bit dramatic, but we were desperate for rainfall. In fact, you'll notice that for many areas, the week-long stretch mentioned above in 2013 provided more rainfall than all of the 2012 Monsoon Season for most of the metro area.  In 2012, the Albuquerque Sunport received 3.36 inches for the entire season.  Going back even further, in 2011 the Albuquerque Sunport measured only 1.72 inches.  2011 was the 5th driest Monsoon Season on record.  What a difference a few years makes!

Spatial Distribution of Monsoonal Precipitation across Albuquerque in 2006






Many people wondered if the 2013 totals would reach the totals from 2006.  Though close, they didn't quite get there. The map to the left shows the precipitation distribution across the metro area from 2006 using the same scale as above.  2006 still ranks as the wettest Monsoon on record, with 9.42 inches measured at the Albuquerque Sunport.

Some more statistics...  

The biggest calendar day rain total during the 2016 Monsoon at the Sunport was only 0.58 inches on September 11th.  Following behind this day, the highest calendar day totals included 0.45 inches on August 4th and July 29th, and 0.44 inches on July 30th.  These 4 days made up approximately 62% of this years total Monsoon rainfall.  That's right, nearly two-thirds of this year's Monsoon rainfall in just 4 days! Normal Monsoon rainfall in Albuquerque totals 4.61 inches. The seasonal total of 3.09 inches at the Sunport this season is only 67% of normal. This makes Monsoon 2016 the 29th driest Monsoon on record. Though, the Sunport was one of the drier areas of the metro, once again.

The Albuquerque Valley received 4.14 inches of rain this season. Last year, 6.10 inches of rain was recorded.  Normal rainfall for the valley during Monsoon Season is 4.78 inches. The Albuquerque Foothills received 5.72 inches of rain this year. Last year, the foothills received approximately 6.5 inches. Normal precipitation for the June 15 through September 30th period is 7.23 inches. In 2006, the Albuquerque Foothills received 16.65 inches of precipitation while the Albuquerque Valley 8.99 inches.
Here are Top 5 wettest and driest Monsoon's on record. 
Top 5 Wettest Monsoon's Top 5 Driest Monsoon's
Precipitation Year Precipitation Year
9.42 2006 1.46 2003
9.10 1988 1.53 1953
8.83 1933 1.55 1905
7.29 1919 1.59 1917
7.18 1940 1.72 2011