National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce


Severe Weather Preparedness Week


Missouri and Kansas


March 3-7, 2025


Thunderstorms | Tornadoes | Flood | Lightning | Wind 

Join the NWS and Missouri State Emergency Management Agency and Kansas Division of Emergency Management on Facebook and Twitter during Severe Weather Preparedness Week, March 3-7, 2025, to promote severe weather preparedness!







Receiving Weather








Wind and Hail





Annual Statewide Tornado Drill


On Wednesday, March 5, 2025, at 11:00 AM State Emergency Management 
and the NWS will conduct a Statewide Severe Weather Tornado Drill. 


Every school, citizen, and business is encouraged to participate in the drill. 


Residents should treat the drill as if it were an actual Tornado Warning. The purpose of the drill is to test everyone's readiness for life-threatening severe weather events such as tornadoes, flash floods, and damaging winds. Local officials are encouraged to sound warning sirens to initiate the drill.

The National Weather Service will issue a Routine Weekly Test (RWT) to NOAA Weather Radios to initiate the drill. In Missouri, this is a change from past years in which a true Tornado Warning was issued.

The NWS encourages everyone to abide by health and safety guidelines, including social distancing and wearing a mask per local directives. If that's not possible during the tornado test, then consider participating by simply sheltering-in-place or discussing sheltering options/plans among co-workers/family members.  

The purpose of the drill is to test everyone's readiness for life-threatening severe weather events such as tornadoes, flash floods, and damaging winds. Local
officials may sound warning sirens to initiate the drill.


Join Us In Building a Weather Ready Nation!



NWS Severe Storm Safety  |  Missouri Storm Aware  |  Kansas Awareness Info |   | SEMA



Severe Weather Safety Tip Sheets

 (PDF's for download & print)

 Tornado Safety  |   Flood Safety   |  Lightning   |  Storm Safety & Preparedness





Tornado Information & Safety


Deadly and devastating tornadoes have demonstrated their awful power in Missouri and Kansas. 

Now is the time to develop a tornado safety plan before a tornado strikes. Knowing what to do before a tornado occurs is essential to protect lives.





Severe Thunderstorm Information & Safety

Radar Image

Severe thunderstorms produce a variety of weather hazards including tornadoes, large hail, damaging straight line winds, flooding, and lightning.  

Now is the time to review Severe Weather Safety Information.

Severe thunderstorms producing damaging winds in excess of 60 mph and large hail can be a threat to life and property.  Damaging straight line winds are much more common than tornadoes and can be just as deadly. 

Those caught outdoors during a severe thunderstorm are particularly vulnerable. Boaters and campers should be especially alert to the potential of severe storms.  High winds associated with severe thunderstorms can strike suddenly. Winds in excess of 60 mph can easily capsize boats and put campers at risk due to falling trees. 




 Flood Information & Safety



Typically, flooding results in more weather related fatalities than any other thunderstorm related hazard. Why? Many of the deaths occur in automobiles as they are swept downstream. Of these drownings, many are preventable, but too many people continue to drive across a flooded road. 

For more information go to the Flood Safety page. 

One of the primary flood hazards and causes of flood related deaths is driving into and through low water crossings. Every year, a few adventurous drivers attempt to cross flooded roads and fail. Learn more about low water crossings.


Lightning Information & Safety


At any given moment, there are 1,800 thunderstorms in progress somewhere on Earth. This
amounts to 16 million storms a year! In the United States, there are an estimated 25 million
cloud-to-ground lightning flashes each year. While lightning can be fascinating to watch, it
is also extremely dangerous. 

Tragedies in school sponsored athletics are unfortunately a growing trend as well. When thunderstorms threaten, coaches and officials must not let the desire to start or finish an athletic activity or event cloud their judgment when the safety of participants and spectators is in jeopardy. 


For more lightning facts and safety information go to the  NWS Lightning Awareness page.





Social Media

NWS Springfield covers far southeastern Kansas and much of the Missouri Ozarks. We are surrounded by seven other NWS offices. For additional information from each office you can follow us below.

NWS Springfield NWS Wichita NWS Topeka NWS Kansas City
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NWS St. Louis NWS Paducah NWS Little Rock NWS Tulsa
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