National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Riverton Climate Summary Banner

...Highlights of 2023...

  • Annual: Period of Record is 105 years
    • 12th coldest year on record at 41.2F degrees. This was 2.7degrees below normal.
    • 3rd Wettest year on record with 15.51 inches. This is 163% of Normal
    • 1st Snowiest year on record with 92 inches. This is 208% of normal.
    • 1st Snowiest Snowfall Season (July 2022-June 2023) with 94.7 inches of snow.
  • Monthly Temperatures: 3rd coldest February, 2nd coldest March, 9th coldest April and 9th warmest May on record.
  • Monthly Precipitation:  1st wettest January, 3rd wettest June, 7th wettest August, 10th wettest October and 3rd wettest November on record.
  • Monthly Snowfall: 1st snowiest January, 9th snowiest April, and 1st snowiest November on record.

Temperature Banner   

Element Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year
 Average High 17.7 19.8 32.7 53.0 72.5 73.5 86.8 82.9 77.2 59.6 44.6 30.2 54.2
 Mean High (1991-2020 Normals) 28.7 35.5 49.2 58 67.4 78.9 87.9 85.7 74.4 59.2 42.7 29.6 58.1
 Average Low -0.1 -4.6 8.6 26.4 42.7 50.3 54.2 54.3 45.1 32.5 18.9 9.9 28.2
 Mean Low (1991-2020 Normals) 4.2 9.6 22.2 30.5 40.3 48.5 54.8 52.2 42.5 30.4 17.1 5.7 29.8
 Average Temperature 8.8 7.6 20.6 39.7 57.6 61.9 70.5 68.6 61.1 46.0 31.8 20.1 41.2
 Mean Average Temperature (1991-2020 Normals) 16.4 22.5 35.7 44.2 53.8 63.7 71.3 69 58.4 44.8 29.9 17.6 43.9
 Departure from Normal -7.6 -14.9 -15.1 -4.5 3.8 -1.8 -0.8 -0.4 2.7 1.2 1.9 2.5 -2.7
 Rank: Coldest         to          Warmest
 104 years of record
(P.O.R 12/1918-2023)
19 3 1 9 95 59 49 64 90 64 72 66 12
 Highest Daily Maximum 36 47 50 74 82 82 96 95 90 84 63 48 96
 Date of Occurrence 12 21 16 12 22,23 20 23 22 2 1 4,7 8 7/23
 Lowest Daily Minimum -36 -27 -11 0 35 43 47 44 37 10 -10 -10 -36
 Date of Occurrence 31 23,24 8 6 7,8 17,24 7 31 23,24,30 30 27,29 25 1/31
 Number of Days with:                          
    Maximum >= 90° 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 7 1 0 0 0 45
    Maximum <= 32° 30 22 13 3 0 0 0 0 0 3 6 18 95
    Minimum <= 32° 31 28 31 22 0 0 0 0 0 10 25 31 178
    Minimum <= 0° 12 17 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 6 45
 Record Highs Set or Tied 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
 Record Lows Set or Tied 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3
 * Multiple day occurrence

Temperature Ranks and Records:

 Daily Records:



   There were no daily records for maximum temperature broken in 2023.



    January: -35 on the 30th

    April: 5 on the 5th and 0 on the 6th



   Top Ten Coldest Months of February on Record
Rank Year Average Temperature °F
1 1993 5.1
2 1989 6.8
3 2023 7.6
3 1936 7.6
3 1973 7.6
6 1929 9.3
7 1939 11.4
8 1979 12.0
9 1942 12.2
10 1984 12.2


   Top Ten Coldest Months of March on Record
Rank Year Average Temperature °F
1 2023 20.6
2 1965 21.8
3 1973 23.5
4 1924 24.0
5 1943 26.6
6 1964 27.1
7 1954 27.7
8 1952 28.0
9 1920 28.2
10 1993 28.4


   Top Ten Coldest Months of April on Record
Rank Year Average Temperature °F
1 1945 34.9
2 1973 35.6
3 1920 36.1
4 1975 36.6
5 1970 38.8
6 1968 39.3
7 1983 39.4
8 1933 39.7
9 2023 39.7
10 1957 39.8


   Top Ten Warmest May's on Record
Rank Year Average Temperature °F
1 1934 62.2
2 1994 60.1
3 1958 58.8
4 1936 58.6
5 1939 58.5
6 2000 58.2
7 2001 57.7
8 1987 57.7
9 2023 57.6
10 1992 57.6


   Warmest Years on Record (100 Years)
Rank Year Average Temperature °F
1 2012 48.5
2 2021 47.1
3 2006, 1999 47.0
5 1934 46.9
6 2007 46.5
7 2005, 1981 46.3
9 1954 46.2
10 2015 45.9
94 2023 41.2


   Top Ten Coldest Years on Record
Rank Year Average Temperature °F
1 1993 38.8
2 1924 39.5
3 1984, 1944 39.7
5 1978 40.1
6 1985 40.3
7 1968, 1929 40.5
9 1975 40.8
10 1986, 1932 41.0
12 2023 41.2


Click to enlarge Click to enlarge
 Average Annual Temperature for Period of Record - Click on Graph to Enlarge



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Precipitation Banner

Element Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year
 Total (inches) 1.57 0.68 0.37 1.78 0.40 4.30 0.89 1.19 0.78 2.09 1.42 0.04 15.51
 Mean Precipitation
(1991-2020 Normals)
0.35 0.43 0.71 1.31 1.98 1.09 0.70 0.45 0.80 0.93 0.44 0.31 9.5
 Departure from Normal 1.22 0.25 -0.34 0.47 -1.58 3.21 0.19 0.74 -0.02 1.16 0.98 -0.27 6.01
 Percent of Normal 449 158 52 136 20 394 127 264 98 225 323 13 163

 Rank - Driest            to           Wettest
 105 years (P.O.R. 1918-2023)

102 93 54 82 16 102 76 100 32 97 103 19 103
 Greatest 24-HR Total 0.45 0.37 0.13 0.74 0.14 1.37 0.31 0.29 0.54 1.20 1.31 0.04 1.37
 Dates of Occurrence 11 22 26 4 11 16 8 20 14 12 24 24 6/16
 Number of Days with:                          
    Precipitation >= 0.01 11 4 7 10 6 16 7 12 4 8 3 1 89
    Precipitation >= 0.10 5 3 1 5 1 10 3 3 2 3 1 0 37
    Precipitation >= 1.00 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 2
Daily Precipitation Records Set or Tied 5 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 8
















Precipitation Ranks and Records:

One Day Precipitation Records:

   January: 0.08." on the 1st, 0.39" on the 2nd, 0.18" on the 3rd, 0.45" on the 11th and 0.14" on the 29th.

   April: 0.74" on the 4th.

   October: 1.20" on the 12th.

   November: 21.8" on the 24th


   Top Ten Wettest Months of January on Record
Rank Year Precipitation (inches)
1 2023 1.57
2 1995 1.44
3 2017 1.12
4 1996 0.96
5 2014 0.63
6 1993 0.60
7 1953 0.56
8 1962 0.53
9 1932 0.51
10 2016 0.49


   Top Ten Wettest Months of June on Record
Rank Year Precipitation (inches)
1 1993 5.95
2 1947 4.57
3 2023 4.30
4 1963 3.95
5 1995 3.58
6 1967 3.44
7 1928 3.34
8 1921 2.88
9 2003 2.59
10 1964 2.56


   Top Ten Wettest Months of August on Record
Rank Year Precipitation (inches)
1 1933 3.06
2 1930 2.90
3 1976 1.56
4 1941 1.28
5 1968 1.24
6 2004 1.21
7 2023 1.19
8 2021 1.16
9 2014 1.11
10 1983 1.10


   Top Ten Wettest Months of October on Record
Rank Year Precipitation (inches)
1 1919 3.84
2 1994 3.60
3 1971 3.10
4 1942 2.83
5 1998 2.72
6 2009 2.30
7 1928 2.21
8 1924 2.17
9 1941 2.12
10 2023 2.09


   Top Ten Wettest Months of November on Record
Rank Year Precipitation (inches)
1 1996 2.13
2 1983 1.57
3 2023 1.42
4 1942 1.36
5 1985 1.06
6 1945 1.04
7 2015/1919 0.99
9 1972 0.97
10 2019 0.96


   Top Ten Driest Years on Record
Rank Year Precipitation (inches)
1 1988 3.75
2 2012 3.98
3 1974 4.12
4 1954 4.85
5 2001, 2006 5.07
7 2020 5.62
8 1966 5.66
9 1990 5.71
10 1922 5.91
103 2023 15.51


   Top Ten Wettest Years on Record
Rank Year Precipitation (inches)
1 1923 18.43
2 2017 15.86
3 2023 15.51
4 2016 15.24
5 1941 14.74
6 1912 14.73
7 1993 13.49
8 1998, 1995 13.41
10 1971 13.11


Click to enlarge Click to enlarge
 Annual Precipitation for Period of Record - Click on Graph to Enlarge
Click to enlarge
 Click on Graph to Enlarge




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  Snow Banner

Element Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year
 Total (inches) 26.2 12.1 8.1 17.7 T 0 0 0 0 1.9 24.6 1.4 92.0
 Mean Snowfall (1991-2020 Normals) 5.5 7.4 6.5 7.2 2.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.6 4.4 5.3 5.3 44.3
 Departure from Normal 20.7 4.7 1.6 10.5 -2.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 -0.6 -2.5 19.3 -3.9 47.7
 Percent of Normal 476 164 125 246 0 0 0 0 0 43 464 26 208
  Rank - Least            to           Most
 105 years (P.O.R 1918-2023)
99 89 75 95 NA NA NA NA NA 61 95 25 106
 Greatest 24-HR Total 6.1 7 3.4 8.4 T T 0 0 0 0.6 21.8 1.4 21.8
 Dates of Occurrence 2 22 26 4 27 11,24 0 0 0 26 24 24 11/24
 Number of Days with:                          
    Snowfall >= 1.0 inch 7 3 3 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 19
Daily Snowfall Records Set or Tied 4 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 6

 *   69 months of May on record a trace or 0.0" of snowfall.
 *  83 months of September on record with no snowfall.













Snowfall Ranks and Records:

One Day Snowfall Records (inches):

  January1.2" on the 1st, 6.1" on the 2nd, 4.2" on the 3rd, and 3.9" on the 29th.

  April: 8.4" on the 4th.

  November: 21.8" on the 24th

   Top Ten Snowiest January's on Record
Rank Year Snowfall (inches)
1 2023 26.2
2 2016 16.8
3 1961 16.5
4 1994 15.9
5 1992 12.5
5 1948 12.5
7 1979 12.0
8 1983 11.5
9 1971 10.4
10 2004 10.3


   Top Ten Snowiest April's on Record
Rank Year Snowfall (inches)
1 1998 31.7
2 1919 29.0
3 2012 24.7
4 1944 22.1
5 1921 21.0
6 2016 20.9
7 2020 20.3
8 1926 18.0
9 2023 17.7
10 1978 17.0


   Top Ten Snowiest November's on Record
Rank Year Snowfall (inches)
1 2023 24.6
2 1983 22.0
3 2015/1942 19.0
5 1920 17.0
6 1985 15.2
7 1978 14.8
8 1938/1928 14.0
10 1967 13.5


   Top Ten Snowiest Years on Record
Rank Year Snowfall (inches)
1 2023 92.0
2 1920 77.0
3 2017 71.1
4 2013 70.6
5 2009 62.5
6 2022 61.7
7 2020 61.7
8 2016 61.7
9 2010 60.1
10 1919 58.0


Click to enlarge Click to enlarge
Click to enlarge Click to enlarge
 Annual and Seasonal Snowfall for Period of Record - Click on Graph to Enlarge




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Learn more about the National Weather Service's efforts to build a Weather-Ready Nation!