New Orleans/Baton Rouge
Weather Forecast Office
NOTICE: The above Spot Forecast link is only for the use of government agencies. All other organizations and individuals should call the National Weather Service Forecast Office in Slidell, LA at 985.649.0357 |
Area Fire Weather Forecast | |
New Orleans/Baton Rouge | Lake Charles | Shreveport | Jackson | Mobile | |
Point Fire Weather Forecast | |
New Orleans/Baton Rouge | |
Drought Maps and Depictions | |
Dead Fuel Moisture Maps | |
National Fire Weather Forecast | |
Fire Weather Links | |
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Aviation Weather Forecast
Graphical Forecast
Weather Models and Maps
US Dept of Commerce
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Weather Service
New Orleans/Baton Rouge
62300 Airport Rd.
Slidell, LA 70460-5243
504.522.7330 985.649.0429
Comments? Questions? Please Contact Us.