National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Arctic air spread across parts of central New York and northeast Pennsylvania during the evening of Friday February 12 and continued through Satuday February 13, 2016.  This air, along with clear skies produced record low temperatures in some locations on the morning of February 14, 2016.

At the Greater Binghamton Airport, a record low temperature of -18 F was set during the morning of February 14, 2016.  Previous record was -9 F in 1979.  The -18 F temperature ties the second coldest temperature ever at Binghamton, NY last reached on December 25, 1980. The all time record low temperature was -20 F set on January 15, 1957.


Data for February 14, 2016 Binghamton, NY Observed (F) Normal (F) Record Highest (F) Record Lowest (F)
Max Temperature 6 32 52 in 1984 3 in 1979
Min Temperature -18 17 44 in 1984 -18 in 2016
Average Temperature -6.0 24.5 48.0 in 1984 -6.0 in 2016


At Syracuse, NY at record low temperature was set of -23 F and breaks the old record of -20 F set in 1979. This is the 3rd coldest temperature ever for February and the 8th coldest temperature of all time.


Data for February 14, 2016 Syracuse, NY Observed (F) Normal (F) Record Highest (F) Record Lowest (F)
Max Temperature 4 34 57 in 1946 4 in 2016
Min Temperature -23 17 39 in 1984 -23 in 2016
Average Temperature -9.5 25.6  47.5 in 1984 -9.5 in 2016


At Avoca, PA a record low temperature of -6 F was set tying the previous record set in 1979.


Data for February 14, 2016 Avoca, PA Observed (F) Normal (F) Record Highest (F) Record Lowest (F)
Max Temperature 12 37 62 in 1946 6 in 1979
Min Temperature -6 21 47 in 1984 -6 in 2016
Average Temperature 3.0 28.5 52.5 in 1984 0.0 in 1979


The graphics below shows 24 hours, 8 am to 8 am, observed minimum temperatures and lowest windchill on the morning of February 14, 2016.  These are preliminary values.  Use the tab to see each image. Clicking on the image will pop up a larger view. More information about Wind Chill.