National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Winter Hazards Across the North; Heavy Rainfall Across the Gulf Coast; Severe Weather Outlook

Moisture across the northern Plains, upper Great Lakes into northern New England will likely bring a period of snow, sleet and freezing rain through this weekend. Meanwhile, heavy rainfall continues along the Gulf Coast with areas of flooding. Fire weather conditions continue for the areas of the Plains, southern Appalachians into portions of Florida. Severe thunderstorm potential increasing. Read More >

This is the Skywarn logo

NWS Wakefield


***Send Us a Storm Report Now! Click here!***

Get Your Skywarn Certificate


Did you attend one of our training classes?
Enter your information below to receive your Spotter Certificate.

Note: We will NOT distribute this information outside our office.

First Name
Last Name
Class Attended



Skywarn Class Schedule


See the Schedule on ESRI Maps

KML icon Download these classes in KML format.


*Please see our new course offering page for more information on class content.


** Important: Due to high demand, these class will NOT be held in every county every year. You may attend an NWS Wakefield SKYWARN class in any location that is convenient for you, regardless of where you live. If you are interested in hosting a class, please contact our SKYWARN program Coordinator. 


Also, remember that whether attending a class in person or online FOLLOW-UP TRAINING IS REQUIRED EVERY 3 YEARS TO MAINTAIN ACTIVE SKYWARN STATUS!


Don't see a course offering near you? Unable to attend local training? A recorded, online course was developed by the National Weather Service through Meted/UCAR/COMET. The program is intended to support, enhance and stimulate learning about atmospheric and related sciences. The course serves as an alternate means of instruction for those unable to attend NWS-supported spotter training classes. However, please bear in mind that the online course is NOT intended to replace the live, local SKYWARN spotter training classes offered by your National Weather Service Forecast Office.


On-line SKYWARN Recorded Spotter Training Modules


1) Recorded Modules (Offered through COMET/UCAR)

(Click the images below)




2) Recorded Basic NWS Wakefield (NWS Wakefield, 2024)

 Our local SKYWARN classes are now online on our Youtube page!



Topics covered include:

1. Who is the NWS?

2. Severe Weather Ingredients

 3. The Role of Spotters and why we need them

4. Weather Safety Tips 




Topics covered include:

1. Builds on our Basic course

2. Importance of wind shear 

3. The why's of what we see while watching the weather

4. Advanced radar concepts



If you have completed any of the Recorded SKYWARN courses, please email our SKYWARN coordinator.

It would be helpful if your email includes each of the following:


     1.  Your 911 mailing address or your latitude/longitude to the nearest 4th decimal place

     2.  Your phone number (we will never share your information with anyone!)

     3.  Any time restrictions of when you would NOT want to be called by our meteorologists

     4.  Whether or not you have any weather equipment and the type of equipment you have

     5.  An attachment of the certificate you earned after completing the online class (COMET only!)

6. Any Amateur Radio Certifications/handles you hold



Spotter Resources

NWS Wakefield Weather Briefing page

Severe Meso Page

Severe Parameters page

Important Spotter Safety Rules

Basic Spotter Field Guide

Advanced Spotter Guide

Guía Práctica del Observador del Tiempo

NWS/NASA Cloud Identification Charts


Did you attend one of our training classes?


Print your own SKYWARN Card here!


Basic SKYWARN Presentation (File size is large)


Advanced SKYWARN Presentation (File size is large!)



Additional Information/Links

National SKYWARN Page

National Weather Service StormReady site.