National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce


Social Media: Winter Storms


Please help the National Weather Service spread these important safety messages on social media! Everyone is welcome to use the text and images provided below to help the NWS build a Weather-Ready Nation.

Alerts and Forecasts


Winter Storm Watch vs Warning

A Winter Storm WATCH means Be Prepared.
A Winter Storm WARNING means Take Action!

A Winter Storm WATCH means Be Prepared.
A Winter Storm WARNING means Take Action! #WeatherReady

Winter Storm Watch means be prepared. A Winter Storm Watch is issued when heavy snow, sleet, or freezing rain is possible. Be prepared to adjust travel plans in case a Warning is issued. Winter Storm Warning means take action! A Winter Storm Warning is issued when heavy snow, sleet, or freezing rain is expected. Travel will become dangerous. Delay or adjust travel plans until conditions improve. 

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Extreme Cold Watch vs Warning

An Extreme Cold WATCH means Be Prepared.
An Extreme Cold WARNING means Take Action!

An Extreme Cold WATCH means Be Prepared.
An Extreme Cold WARNING means Take Action! #WeatherReady

An Extreme Cold Watch means Be Prepared. An Extreme Cold Watch is issued when dangerously cold air, with or without wind, is possible. Check the forecast, and be prepared in case a Warning is issued. An Extreme Cold Warning means take action! An Extreme Cold Warning is issued when dangerously cold air, with or without wind, is expected. Conditions could lead to frostbite or hypothermia. Limit time outside, dress in layers, and cover up exposed skin. 

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Avalanche Watch vs Warning

An Avalanche WATCH means Be Prepared.
An Avalanche WARNING means Take Action!

An Avalanche WATCH means Be Prepared.
An Avalanche WARNING means Take Action! #WeatherReady

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Video: Winter Forecasts: Hazards

Did you know that a one or two degree temperature difference can play an important role in whether we get rain, sleet, or snow? Learn more about how we get accurate forecasts here:

Did you know that a one or two degree temperature difference can play an important role in whether we get rain, sleet, or snow? Learn more about how we get accurate forecasts here: #WeatherReady


Video: Winter Forecasting: Variation

Impacts from winter storms can vary a lot, even across short distances, and it can be difficult to pinpoint exactly which areas will be most impacted. Learn more about the Winter Storm Severity Index here:

Impacts from winter storms can vary a lot, even across short distances, and it can be difficult to pinpoint exactly which areas will be most impacted. Learn more about the Winter Storm Severity Index here: #WeatherReady


Video: Winter Forecasting: Uncertainty

We work hard to provide you with the most accurate forecasts possible, and our forecasts get more precise the closer we get to a big weather event. Learn more about how we update our forecasts at

We work hard to provide you with the most accurate forecasts possible, and our forecasts get more precise the closer we get to a big weather event. Learn more about how we update our forecasts at #WeatherReady


Around the Home


Prepare Your Home for Winter Weather

Prepare your home for winter weather emergencies! Winter storms can knock out power and keep you from traveling for days. Keep enough non-perishable food, water and medications for at least 3 days. Ensure you have warm clothing and blankets. Make sure you have an updated first aid kit. Charge your phone in advance and check for wireless emergency alerts.

Prepare your home for winter weather emergencies! Winter storms can knock out power and keep you from traveling for days. Keep enough non-perishable food, water, medications for at least 3 days. #WeatherReady

Prepare Your Home for Winter Weather

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Winterize Your Home

As winter approaches, there are steps you can take to prepare your home for the cold weather ahead. Learn more at

As winter approaches, there are steps you can take to prepare your home for the cold weather ahead. Learn more at #WeatherReady

Winterize your home. Inspect your chimney. Caulk and weather strip doors/windows. Insulate exposed pipes. Insulate your attic. Clean out gutters. Install and test smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors (with battery backups). Gather supplies.

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The 4 P's

Prepared for a possible polar plunge? As temperatures drop, remember to protect the 4 P’s: People, pets, pipes, and plants.

Prepared for a possible polar plunge? As temperatures drop, remember to protect the 4 P’s: People, pets, pipes, and plants.

Protect people, pets, pipes and plants from cold weather. People: 1) Minimize time outdoors. 2) Prepare for power outages. 3) Check on the elderly and other vulnerable people to make sure they're ok. Pets: 1) Keep your pets warm, dry and indoors as much as possible. 2) Ensure their food and water doesn't freeze. 3) Limit outside time and keep them bundled up. Pipes: 1) Insulate pipes if possible. 2) Open up sink cabinets to expose pipes to heated air. 3) Disconnect hoses & turn off water to sprinklers. Plants: 1) Know their temperature thresholds. 2) If possible, cover them before the cold weather sets in to help retain some heat.

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Winter Storm Planning Timeline

Are you prepared for a winter storm? If the forecast calls for winter weather, begin preparing NOW. Don’t wait until the last minute.

Are you prepared for a winter storm? If the forecast calls for winter weather, begin preparing NOW. Don’t wait until the last minute. #WeatherReady

A few days out: if the forecast calls for winter weather, start preparing now. Have emergency supplies for your home & car. Check your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. Replenish fuel for your car and heating sources.
The day before: forecast accuracy continues to improve, so keep checking the latest. Adjust plans. Have multiple ways to receive Warnings. Bring pets indoors and ensure they have water.
During and after: remain vigilant and stay informed. Drive only if necessary. Check on neighbors and family. Properly ventilate emergency heat sources. Keep generators at least 20 feet from your home. Take it easy when shoveling.

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After the Winter Storm: Power Outage

Power outages are common after a big winter storm. If you lose power, make sure to be careful when using alternative heat sources and practice portable generator safety. Once you and your family are safe, check in with others in your neighborhood to make sure they are okay.

Power outages are common after a big winter storm. Be careful with alternative heat sources, practice portable generator safety, and check in with neighbors to ensure that everyone stays safe.

After the Winter Storm: Power Outage. 1) Be careful with heat sources: candles and space heaters are a fire risk. Also stay warm by bundling up and keeping doors closed, placing towels in cracks. 2) Practice portable generator safety: use outdoors, at least 20 feet aweay from doors/windows/garages to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning. Follow instructions on proper use. 3) Check on neighbors: once your family is safe, check on your neighbors and make sure they are OK.

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Staying Warm Without Power

When the power goes out in winter, the cold can be deadly--but even without power, there are still ways to warm things up. Closing blinds and curtains and closing room doors can help contain heat, and stuffing towels in the cracks under doors can help keep the warmth in. Don’t forget about eating and staying hydrated - food provides energy to warm the body.
Learn more about winter safety:

When the power goes out in winter, the cold can be deadly. But even without power, there are still ways to warm things up. Stay #WeatherReady and learn more about winter safety:

Staying warm when the power is out. Close blinds or curtains to keep in some heat. Close off rooms to avoid wasting heat. Wear layers of loose-fitting, lightweight, warm clothing. Eat and drink; food provides energy to warm the body; avoid caffeine and alcohol. Stuff towels or rags in cracks under doors.

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Slippery Sidewalks

Slipping on an icy sidewalk can lead to serious injuries or even death, especially for the elderly. Help prevent the formation of ice by salting walkways and turning off sprinklers in advance of cold weather.
Learn more ice safety at

Slipping on an icy sidewalk can lead to serious injuries or even death, especially for the elderly. Help prevent the formation of ice by salting walkways and turning off sprinklers in advance of cold weather.
Learn more ice safety at #WeatherReady

Don’t slip! Icy surfaces can lead to serious injuries! Help prevent ice by salting walkways and turning off sprinklers in advance of the cold. Walk on treated or non-icy surfaces with better traction, if possible. Wear proper winter footwear with rubber treads. Take slow, short steps so that you’ll be able to react to icy conditions.

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Smart Shoveling

Slippery sidewalks and roads aren’t the only things to look out for in late winter and early spring snow storms--shoveling snow can be a health risk as well. Remember to stay hydrated, take frequent breaks, and move only small amounts with each shovel pass. Learn more at

Shoveling snow can be a health risk, so remember to take it easy. Learn more at #WeatherReady

Shovel smart!
Shoveling heavy, wet snow can cause back injuries and heart attacks. Don’t push yourself!
Dress warmly, making sure to cover your head, fingers and toes.
Stay hydrated, but avoid heavy meals right before or after shoveling.
Move only small amounts of snow with each pass of the shovel.
Take frequent breaks. Stop shoveling entirely if you feel exhausted!

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Don’t Underestimate Sleet

Sleet can be deceptively dangerous - it’s much more dense than snow, so take it easy when shoveling.
Use extreme caution when driving during or after sleet. Reduce speed, allow plenty of stopping distance, and do not use cruise control.
Learn more winter safety at

Sleet can be deceptively dangerous - it’s much more dense than snow, so take it easy when shoveling.
Use extreme caution when driving during or after sleet. Reduce speed, allow plenty of stopping distance, and do not use cruise control. #WeatherReady

Don’t underestimate sleet dangers! Take it easy when shoveling. Sleet can be much more dense than snow. Go slowly and don’t overexert yourself. Use extreme caution when driving. Sleet can cause dangerous road conditions and reduced visibility. Reduce speed, allow plenty of stopping distance, and do not use cruise control.

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Ice Storms

Is your home ready for an ice storm? Ice storms can cause power outages that can last up to several days, affecting both you and the surrounding area — that’s why it’s important to have a week’s supply of food and prescriptions. What else would you need?
Ice storms can easily break tree branches, so trim weak or damaged branches around your home, and don’t park your car under trees. After you’ve parked, don’t leave your wipers raised...contrary to popular belief, doing so increases the chance of wiper damage.
Learn more about ice storm safety:

Is your home ready for an ice storm? Ice storms can cause power outages that can last several days and pose a threat to tree branches and anything underneath. Stay #WeatherReady and learn more about ice storm safety: #WeatherReady

Are you ready for ice storms? Trim weak or damaged branches around your home. Don't leave vehicle wipers raised. Have a week's worth of food and prescriptions. Don't park your car under trees. Keep devices charged.

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Health (Cold)

Frostbite & Hypothermia - Know Your Actions

Cold outside? Avoid the risk of frostbite and hypothermia by dressing in layers, covering exposed skin, and limiting time outdoors. If someone might be experiencing either condition, seek medical attention immediately — and know your actions.

Cold outside? Avoid the risk of frostbite and hypothermia by dressing in layers, covering exposed skin, and limiting time outdoors. If someone might be experiencing either condition, seek medical attention immediately — and know your actions. #WeatherReady

If someone might have frostbite or hypothermia, seek medical attention immediately!
Get to a warm area. Remove wet clothing. Warm up with dry layers of blankets or clothing. Place skin affected by frostbite in warm water (not hot).
Frostbite caution: do not use fireplaces or artificial heat sources for warming. Do not rub or put pressure on areas with frostbite.

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Cold Impacts: Vulnerable Populations

Everyone is at risk from the dangers of extreme cold, but these groups are more vulnerable than most. Age and certain conditions make the body less able to regulate temperature.
Stay Weather-Ready and learn more about cold safety at

Everyone is at risk from the dangers of extreme cold, but these groups are more vulnerable than most. Age and certain conditions make the body less able to regulate temperature.
Stay #WeatherReady and learn more about cold safety at

Cold Impacts: Vulnerable Populations:
Everyone is at risk from the dangers of extreme cold, but these groups are more vulnerable than most: newborns, the elderly, people with chronic illness, outdoor workers, and the unhoused. Age and certain conditions make the body less able to regulate temperature.
Dress in loose layers and cover all exposed skin. Consume hot foods and warm drinks, but avoid caffeine and alcohol. Limit or avoid time outdoors. Check on family, friends and neighbors.

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Don't Forget Your Pets

Don't forget about your pets this winter! Make sure they have a warm, dry place to rest with plenty of food and water.

You love your pets, so keep them warm, dry, and well fed this winter. #WeatherReady

Don’t forget your pets! 
Even with a natural fur coat, winter can be deadly for your pets unless proper care is given.
Keep them warm and dry, and indoors whenever possible.
Provide plenty of food and water. Dehydration is especially dangerous in winter.
When outside, keep them bundled up. Limit outside time, and thoroughly clean, including paws, when bringing them in.

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Winter Safety for Workers

For those working outside during cold temperatures or winter weather, stay Weather-Ready and prepared.

For those working outside during cold temperatures or winter weather, stay #WeatherReady and prepared.

Winter Safety For Workers: 1) Wear proper footwear for traction. 2) Drink a warm beverage, stay hydrated. 3) Dress in layers. 4) Take frequent short breaks. 5) Watch for signs of hypothermia. 6) Have a winter emergency supply kit in your vehicle.

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Dressing for the Cold - Infographic

Bundling up and staying dry are two of the best things you can do to stay safe from cold temperatures this fall and winter. Learn to protect yourself from the cold at

Bundling up and staying dry are two of the best things you can do to stay safe from cold temps. Stay #WeatherReady and learn to protect yourself from the cold at

Dressing for the Cold - Infographic. Adding layers will help keep you warm as the temperature drops. Chilly: 1-2 layers; outer layer to keep out wind, rain; long layer on legs; warm shoes (water proof). Cold: 2-3 layers; warm hat; gloves; outer layer to keep out wind, wet snow; 1-2 long layers on legs; boots (water-proof). Extreme cold: 3+ layers (1 insulating); warm hat; gloves; outer layer to keep out wind; 2+ long layers on legs; boots (water proof).

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If you notice someone exhibiting warning signs of hypothermia, get them to a warm place right away. Learn more about how to protect yourself from the cold at

Do you know the signs of hypothermia? #WeatherReady

Warnings signs of hypothermia: confusion, shivering, difficulty speaking, sleepiness, stiff muscles.

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Caught Outdoors

When caught outdoors in a winter storm, there are life-saving actions you can take to protect yourself. Find (or make) shelter, cover exposed body parts, melt snow for drinking water, and exercise occasionally.

When caught outdoors in a winter storm, there are life-saving actions you can take to protect yourself. #WeatherReady

Caught outdoors in a winter storm? Find shelter! If there’s no shelter, build a lean-to or snow cave for protection. Build a fire for heat.
Cover exposed body parts, and try to stay dry. This will help protect against hypothermia.
Melt snow for drinking water. Avoid eating un-melted snow, which can lower body temperature to deadly levels.
Exercise occasionally. Move limbs, fingers, and toes vigorously to keep you warm.

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Cold Weather

Cold weather can be life-threatening. If you can’t avoid being outside, remember to follow these 3 steps and make sure to always tell someone where you’re going.

Cold weather can be life-threatening, so follow these 3 steps and make sure to always tell someone where you’re going. #WeatherReady

Cold weather safety tips: 1) Dress in layers. 2) Cover exposed skin. 3) Limit time outside

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Prepare for Extreme Cold

Protect yourself from extreme cold, whether it's the wind chill or air temperature – both are dangerous!

Protect yourself from extreme cold, whether it's the wind chill or air temperature – both are dangerous! #WeatherReady

Whether it's the wind chill or air temperature...Extreme cold is dangerous. Take it seriously. Dress in layers, cover all exposed skin, limit time outdoors, and bring pets indoors.

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Video: Winter Travel Timeline

Are you planning a lengthy trip by car this winter? Know how to prepare, and know that the decisions that need to be made will differ depending on where you are on the Winter Travel Timeline:

Are you planning a lengthy trip by car this winter? Know how to prepare, and know that the decisions that need to be made will differ depending on where you are on the Winter Travel Timeline: #WeatherReady


Winter Road Trip Safety

If you’re going to be driving this winter, know how to stay safe. Winterize your vehicle and pack an emergency supply kit. Share your travel plans with friends and family. Before leaving, check road conditions and the weather forecast so you know to expect.

If you’re going to be driving this winter, know how to stay #WeatherReady. Winterize your vehicle and pack a supply kit. Share your travel plans and, before leaving, check road conditions and the weather forecast.

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Video: Winter Vehicle Prep

Is your vehicle ready for the winter? Watch this brief video to know what needs to be in your emergency kit and how to winterize your vehicle:

Is your vehicle ready for the winter? Watch this brief video to know what needs to be in your emergency kit and how to winterize your vehicle: #WeatherReady


Truck & SUV tires

Even trucks and SUVs with four-wheel drive can still lose traction in the snow. Stay Weather-Ready by always using extra caution when driving in wintry conditions — no matter what you’re driving. Learn more winter safety tips at

Even trucks and SUVs with four-wheel drive can still lose traction in the snow. Stay #WeatherReady by always using extra caution when driving in wintry conditions — no matter what you’re driving. Learn more winter safety tips at

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Cleaning Snow Off Vehicle Roof

Please thoroughly clean snow off your car — including the roof. Snow left on car roofs can fly off your vehicle when in motion, creating potentially dangerous situations for you and those driving behind you. Learn more winter safety tips at

Please thoroughly clean snow off your car — including the roof. Snow left on car roofs can fly off your vehicle when in motion, creating potentially dangerous situations for you and those driving behind you. Learn more winter safety tips at

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Ice and Snow, Take it Slow

Winter driving can be hazardous. Slow down to keep yourself and everyone on the road safe. Remember, “Ice and snow, take it slow”. Learn more at

Do your part to keep everyone safe on the roads this winter. Learn more at

Ice and Snow, Take It Slow. Did you know? Each year in the United States, there are over 1,000 deaths and 100,000 injuries due to vehicle crashes during winter weather.
Clean off your vehicle before driving. Flying snow from cars causes accidents.
Keep it slow, and don’t use cruise control. Roads can be slick even if they just look wet.
Leave extra distance between vehicles. Stay especially far from snow plows.

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Snow Squalls & WEAs

Snow squalls are intense bursts of snow and wind with whiteout visibility that are extremely dangerous, especially while on the road. The National Weather Service helps you be ready by issuing Snow Squall Warnings that can trigger a Wireless Emergency Alert on your phone. If you receive one, know that a snow squall is occurring or imminent and slow down or delay travel.

Snow squalls are extremely dangerous while on the road. NWS helps you be #WeatherReady by issuing Snow Squall Warnings that can trigger a Wireless Emergency Alert on your phone. When issued, slow down or delay travel.

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Snow Squall Actions

During a snow squall, the last place you want to be is on the road.
Delay travel if a snow squall warning is issued. If you’re caught on the road when a snow squall occurs, use extreme caution. Slow down, turn on your low-beams and hazards, and pull over safely to the side of the road, remaining in the vehicle with the seatbelt on.

During a snow squall, the last place you want to be is on the road.
Stay #WeatherReady by delaying travel if there’s a snow squall warning.

If you’re caught on the road when a snow squall occurs, use extreme caution.

Protect yourself from snow squalls.
If a Snow Squall Warning is issued, delay travel. If you’re already driving, safely exit the road at the next opportunity. If you cannot exit the road in time:
Slow down, but avoid slamming the brakes.
Turn on your low-beam headlights and hazard lights.
Pull over safely to the side of the road, and remain in the vehicle with your seatbelt on.

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Bridges Freeze First

You’ve probably seen road signs advising that bridges freeze before roads, but do you know why? Having open air underneath the bridge means the cold air surrounds the bridge both above and below. If there’s even the chance that a bridge might be frozen, SLOW DOWN! And do it before you cross the bridge — changing speed on ice is dangerous.

You’ve probably seen road signs advising that bridges freeze before roads, but do you know why? Having open air underneath the bridge means the cold air surrounds the bridge both above and below. #WeatherReady

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Freezing Rain

Compared to a typical snowstorm, freezing rain is much more hazardous — especially on the road. While both are dangerous, it’s far easier to lose control of your vehicle on icy pavement, not to mention the increased risk of falling branches and powerlines. Bottom line: use extreme caution if there is, or recently was, freezing rain.

Compared to a typical snowstorm, freezing rain is much more hazardous — especially on the road. Bottom line: be #WeatherReady and use extreme caution if there is, or recently was, freezing rain.

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Black Ice

When recent rain or snowmelt comes into contact with freezing temperatures, black ice can form — and you might not even see it. While black ice is more prevalent at night, it can often stick around for the morning commute. Use caution when driving...don’t let black ice sneak up on you.

Don’t let black ice sneak up on you! When recent rain or snowmelt comes into contact with freezing temperatures, black ice can form — and you might not even see it. #WeatherReady

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First Snow

While lots of snow in the middle of winter can certainly cause dangerous travel conditions, many times it’s the first snow of the season that can cause accidents. Be extra careful as you and other drivers adjust to driving in poor conditions. Slow down, don’t use cruise control, and keep your distance from other vehicles. Don’t let the first snow sneak up on you!

While lots of snow in the middle of winter can cause dangerous travel conditions, the first snow of the season can also cause accidents. Be careful as you and other drivers adjust to driving in poor conditions. Don’t let the first snow sneak up on you! #WeatherReady

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Sun Glare

Even on a nice winter day, the low sun angle can make driving hazardous. Freshly-fallen snow can add more glare to your drive. Have a pair of sunglasses on hand, slow down, and leave plenty of distance between you and other vehicles. Don’t let sun glare sneak up on you!

The low sun angle, especially combined with freshly-fallen snow, can cause a glare that makes driving difficult. Keep a pair of sunglasses handy and slow down. Don’t let sun glare sneak up on you! #WeatherReady

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Rain with a Temperature Near Freezing

Rain may seem like less of a winter driving hazard than snow, but when temperatures are near freezing, that’s not the case. Ice can form quickly and make roads slick. In these conditions, slow down, don’t use cruise control, and keep plenty of distance between you and other vehicles. Don’t let this winter hazard sneak up on you!

Rain may seem like less of a winter driving hazard than snow, but when temperatures are near freezing, that’s not the case. Ice can form quickly and make roads slick. Be extra careful in these conditions and don’t let this winter hazard sneak up on you! #WeatherReady

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Freezing Drizzle

When surface temperatures are below freezing, drizzle will form a thin layer of ice on the roads. This difficult-to-see ice can cause very dangerous travel conditions. When it’s drizzling in the winter, slow down, don’t use cruise control, and keep your distance from other vehicles. Don’t let freezing drizzle sneak up on you!

Freezing drizzle can cause difficult-to-see ice to form on roads, creating very dangerous travel conditions. When it’s drizzling in the winter, slow down! Don’t let freezing drizzle sneak up on you. #WeatherReady

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Flash Freeze

Even when it’s not precipitating, wet roads can quickly turn icy as temperatures dip below freezing. These unexpected slippery conditions can make driving hazardous. When roads look wet in the winter, stay cautious, slow down, and don’t use cruise control. Don’t let flash freezes sneak up on you!

Wet roads can quickly turn to ice as temperatures fall below freezing. Slow down and don’t use cruise control. Don’t let flash freezes sneak up on you! #WeatherReady

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Rain After a Long Dry Stretch

You wouldn’t think a little bit of rain could make the roads slippery, but after a long dry stretch, it can happen. This is because oil and debris accumulate on the road during the dry period. Once the rain starts falling, roads become slick. Slow down in these situations–this is one of those hazards that can sneak up on you!

When it rains after a long dry stretch, roads can become surprisingly slippery. Don’t let this hazard sneak up on you! Slow down and don’t use cruise control. #WeatherReady

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Dense Fog

Visibility can change quickly in fog, creating hazardous driving conditions. Slow down, use your low-beam headlights, and leave plenty of distance between you and other vehicles. Don’t let fog sneak up on you!

Watch out for quickly-changing visibility in fog. Use your low-beam headlights, slow down, and keep your distance from other vehicles. Don’t let fog sneak up on you! #WeatherReady

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Snow Squalls

Snow squalls are short, intense bursts of snow and wind that can catch people off guard. They can reduce visibility and cause dangerous travel conditions. If possible, avoid or delay travel until the squall passes. If you’re caught in one, slow down, turn on your headlights and hazard lights, and try to exit the road. Don’t let snow squalls sneak up on you!

Snow squalls are short, intense bursts of snow and wind that can reduce visibility and cause dangerous travel conditions. Delay travel if possible.. Don’t let snow squalls sneak up on you! #WeatherReady

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Avalanches While Driving

Avalanches can pose a very real danger to drivers on mountain roads. If you are caught in an avalanche, stay in your vehicle and turn off the engine to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning from a clogged tailpipe. Avoid danger in the first place by heeding warning signs and not driving around barriers - and be Weather-Ready by equipping your car with an emergency kit.

Avalanches can pose a very real danger to drivers on mountain roads. If you are caught in an avalanche, stay in your vehicle and turn off the engine to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning from a clogged tailpipe.

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Recreation and Environment


Safety on Ice

Ice is never completely safe. Know how thick the ice is and stay away from any cracks or melting ice. If you don’t know, don’t go!

Ice is never completely safe. Know how thick the ice is and stay away from any cracks or melting ice. If you don’t know, don’t go! #WeatherReady

Safety On Ice: Ice is never 100% safe. If you don't know, don't go! Minimum ice thickness guidelines for new, clear ice only: Less than 2 inches: stay off! 4 inches: supports ice fishing and walking. 5 inches: supports small groups ice skating. 6 inches: supports snow mobile ATV. 9 inches: supports cars. 12 inches: supports medium size trucks. Stay away from any cracks and melting ice.

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Ice Jams

Ice jams are common during the winter and spring along rivers, streams, and creeks in the higher latitudes of the continental U.S. as well as in Alaska. Once formed, water can rise VERY quickly. Stay Weather-Ready and never cross flooded roads.

Ice jams are common during the winter and spring along rivers, streams, and creeks in the higher latitudes of the continental U.S. as well as in Alaska. Once formed, water can rise VERY quickly. Stay #WeatherReady and never cross flooded roads.

Ice Jams

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Avalanche Danger

Facebook: 98% of fatal avalanches are triggered by someone in the victim’s party. Learn how to safely plan your visit to the backcountry by visiting

98% of fatal avalanches are triggered by someone in the victim’s party. Learn how to safely plan your visit to the backcountry by visiting

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Avalanche Safety Tips

If you’re heading on a trip to the backcountry, it’s important to be prepared for the possibility of an avalanche. Make sure to have an updated forecast and get the correct gear to help keep you and your party safe.

If you’re heading on a trip to the backcountry, it’s important to be prepared for the possibility of an avalanche. Make sure to have an updated forecast and get the correct gear to help keep you and your party safe.

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Avalanche Warning Signs

There are many warning signs that indicate that an avalanche may occur. If you see any of these warning signs, leave or avoid potential avalanche terrain.

There are many warning signs that indicate that an avalanche may occur. If you see any of these warning signs, leave or avoid potential avalanche terrain.

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Cold Water – Life Jacket

Wearing a life jacket significantly increases chances of survival during an unexpected immersion into cold water.

Wearing a life jacket significantly increases chances of survival during an unexpected immersion into cold water. #WeatherReady

Cold Water Fact: Wearing a life jacket significantly increases chances of survival.

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Cold Water – Muscle Impacts

Even strong swimmers face danger in cold

Even strong swimmers face danger in cold water. #WeatherReady

Cold Water Fact: Strong Swimmers will lose muscle control in about 10 minutes in cold water.

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Prepare for Cold Water

Planning an outing on cold water? Be prepared for the possibility of sudden immersion into cold water, even if the air is warm. Cold water can

Planning an outing on cold water? Be prepared for the possibility of sudden immersion into cold water, even if the air is warm. Cold water can #WeatherReady

Be prepared for cold water. Even if it feels warm outside, rivers, lakes, and streams can still be cold and running fast. Always wear your life vest and consider cold water protection gear. Cold water can kill.


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Science of Wind Chill

Extremely cold air affects millions of people across the United States every winter and even into parts of the spring. This Arctic air, together with brisk winds, can lead to dangerously cold wind chill values, which can cause your body to lose heat quickly.

Arctic air, together with brisk winds, can lead to dangerously cold wind chill values.

Infographic - The Science of Wind Chill. The average temperature of the human body is 98.6 degrees fahrenheit. Under calm conditions, the body radiates heat, creating a layer of warmth between or skin and the cold surroundings.  But when it's windy, the moving air breaks up this insulating layer. It speeds up heat loss by whisking away the warmth from our skin. Hypothermia begins when our body temperature drops two to four degrees.

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Winter Precipitation

Will there be rain, ice, or snow? This graphic explains how having different layers of warm and cold air between the clouds and the ground determines the type of precipitation that hits the ground.

Will there be rain, ice, or snow? Find out how wintry precipitation forms!

Winter Precipitation: Below 32°F, snowflakes never melt. With sleet, droplets freeze and form ice before reaching the surface. Freezing rain is caused by rain, above 32°F in the sky, freezing on contact with the cold surface. If the surface temperature is above 32°F, rain will not freeze.

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Winter's Fury: Kona Lows

Kona lows” are major weather producers in the Hawaiian islands. The word ‘kona’ means ‘leeward’ in Hawaiian, which refers to the side of an island that is usually sheltered from trade winds and rainfall—but not for these storms.

Learn more weather science at 

“Kona lows” are major weather producers in the Hawaiian islands. The word ‘kona’ means ‘leeward’ in Hawaiian, which refers to the side of an island that is usually sheltered from trade winds and rainfall—but not for these storms.

Learn more weather science at

Winter's Fury Kona Lows

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Winter’s Fury: Nor’easters

Not many winter storms have the potential to bury 100 million people in 1-2 feet of snow in a single day. Nor’easters are notorious for packing strong winds and copious amounts of moisture they get from the Atlantic. The heavily-populated region between Washington D.C., Philadelphia, New York City, and Boston -- the “I-95 Corridor” -- is especially impacted by Nor’easters.

Nor’easters are notorious for big wind and copious amounts of moisture they get from the Atlantic. #WeatherReady

Winter’s Fury - Nor’easters: Not many winter storms have the potential to bury 100 million people in 1-2 feet of snow in a single day. Nor'easters are notorious for packing big wind and copious amounts of moisture they get from the Atlantic. The heavily populated region between Washington D.C., Philadelphia, New York and Boston, the 'I-95 Corrdior', is epsecially impacted by Nor'easters.

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What's a Blizzard?

Did you know not all blizzards involve falling snow? By definition, a blizzard includes 35+ mph winds that cause blowing snow, reducing visibility to 1/4 mile or less for at least 3 hours. If the visibility reduction comes from snow that has already fallen, it is called a ground blizzard. Whether or not the snow falls during the time of the blizzard, dangerous conditions can result. Make sure you’re prepared!

Did you know that not all blizzards involve falling snow? Whether or not the snow falls during the blizzard, dangerous conditions can result. Be #WeatherReady!

What's a Blizzard? Blowing snow, 35+ mph winds, less than 1/4 mile visibility, for 3+ hours.  Did you know that falling snow isn't necessary for a blizzard?  A blizzard that results from previously fallend snow is called a ground blizzard.

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Lake Effect Snow

Lake Effect snow occurs when cold air moves across warmer water. Warmth and moisture rise into the air, condensing into clouds that can produce 2 to 3 inches of snow per hour or more. Learn more weather science at

Lake Effect snow occurs when cold air moves across warmer water. Warmth and moisture rise into the air, condensing into clouds that can produce 2 to 3 inches of snow per hour or more. Learn more weather science at

What is lake effect snow? Lake effect snow occurs when cold air, often originating from Canada, moves across the open waters. As the cold air passes over the unfrozen and relatively warm waters, warmth and moisture are transferred into the lowest portion of the atmosphere. The air rises and clouds form and grow into narrows bands that produce 2 to 3 inches of snow per hour or more.

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Upslope Snow

Have you wondered why the windward side of mountains or large hills receives so much more snow than surrounding areas? This is due to upslope snow. When moist wind blows against the side of mountains/hills, the air is forced to rise (called orographic lift). As the air rises and cools, water vapor condenses, resulting in clouds and precipitation over the windward region. Conversely, the leeward side often receives less snow due to descending air.

Why does the windward side of mountains or large hills receive so much more snow than surrounding areas? It’s because of the upslope effect. When you’re in one of these windward areas, make sure you’re #WeatherReady

Upslope Snow: 1) When wind blows against mountains or hills, it is forced to rise. This is called orographic lift. 2) As moist air rises and cools, water vapor condenses, resulting in clouds and precipitation. 3) This results in the windward sides of mountains and hills receiving more snow than surrounding areas in the winter.

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What Causes Winter?

Did you know that in the northern hemisphere, winter actually occurs when the Earth is closest to the Sun? This is possible because of the way the Earth tilts on its axis. During winter, the northern hemisphere is tilting away from the Sun, causing the Sun’s rays to hit the northern hemisphere at a lower angle, which results in far lower temperatures. Learn more at

In the northern hemisphere, winter actually occurs when the Earth is closest to the Sun. Learn more

What Causes Winter? In the northern hemisphere, winter actually occurs when the Earth is closest to the Sun. This is because the northern hemisphere is tilting on its axis away from the Sun.

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Science of Snowflakes

Did you know that while no two snowflakes are exactly the same, they are all six-sided? Snowflakes’ hexagonal shapes are due to the molecular structure of ice. Learn more about the science behind snowflakes:

Did you know that no two snowflakes are alike, but they are all 6-sided? #SnowflakeScience

Science of Snowflakes: No two snowflakes are the same, but they are all six-sided. Their shapes are due to the molecular structure of ice.

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Video: Science of Frost Formation

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Did you know that frost can form when the official low is above freezing? The official temperature is recorded around 6 feet above the ground, and in a strong temperature inversion on a clear night, ground temps can be 5-10℉ cooler than the air below that.


Science of Snowmelt Processes

At certain times of the year, water from melting snow can be responsible for almost all of the streamflow in a river. The processes of snowmelt are crucial in forming accurate river flood forecasts. Learn more about flood science at .

At certain times of the year, water from melting snow can be responsible for almost all of the streamflow in a river. The processes of snowmelt are crucial in forming accurate river flood forecasts. Learn more about flood science at

 Flood Science-Snowmelt: At certain times of the year, almost all river streamflow can come from snowmelt. Hydrologists study this process to forecast river floods. Snow Distribution: Weather systems are the main factor determining snowpack, but terrain & vegetation also affect snow accumulation. Characteristics: Temperature & amount of water in the snowpack (snow water equivalent) affect the melting process. Rapid melting occurs when the whole snowpack warms to 32°F. Energy Exchanges: Solar radiation, emitted longwave radiation, turbulent heat transfer, ground conduction & heat transfer from rain all heat or cool the snow. Weather Factors: Wind & high dew point aid in melting, limiting evaporative cooling & keeping the air directly above the snow warm due to turbulent mixing. Where the Water Goes: Water from rapid melting will infiltrate into the soil, run off into streams/etc and/or pool in place & potentially refreeze. Ice jam flooding can occur if the river channel has excessive ice 

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Snow Water Cycle

During winter months, falling snow serves as an important source of freshwater across the world. When spring arrives, melting snow helps replenish rivers, lakes, and reservoirs. The melting snow adds much-needed moisture to the soil and helps refill underground aquifers, which are vital for growing crops and for drinking water.

During winter months, falling snow serves as an important source of freshwater.

Snow Water Cycle: The hydrologic cycle involves the continuous circulation of water in the Earth-Atmosphere system. At its core, the water cycle is the motion of the water from the ground to the atmosphere and back again. During the winter months, falling snow serves as an important source of fresh water across the world. When spring arrives, melting snow helps replenish rivers, lakes and reservoirs. The melting snow adds much needed moisture to the soil and helps refill underground aquifers, which are vital for growing crops and for drinking water.

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