The NWS sends the following messages to the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) Integrated Public Alert and Warning System (IPAWS) for delivery to commercial wireless carriers who broadcast them as Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA). The length and language of the message received on a particular device depends on the wireless network and the language setting of the device. WEA messages up to 360 characters can be displayed on devices using 4G LTE network technology and beyond. Devices on 3G and earlier networks are limited to display a shorter 90 character message.
Note that the alert expiration times in the messages below are for example purposes only.
Additional information on WEA can be found at:
Dust Storm Warning
- English Short Message: NWS: DUST STORM WARNING till 10:55PM PDT. Be ready for a sudden drop to zero visibility.
- Spanish Short Message: SNM: AVISO DE TORMENTA DE POLVO hasta las 10:55PM MST. Espere reduccion de visibilidad.
- English 360 Character Message: National Weather Service: DUST STORM WARNING for this area until 11:15AM MST. Be ready for sudden drop to zero visibility. Pull Aside, Stay Alive! When visibility drops, pull far off the road and put your vehicle in park. Turn the lights off and keep your foot off the brake. Infants, the elderly and those with respiratory issues urged to take precautions.
- Spanish 360 Character Message: AVISO DE TORMENTA DE POLVO hasta las 11:15AM MST. Estar alerta para una reduccion repentina en visibilidad. Cuando la visibilidad disminuya, mueva su vehiculo fuera de la carretera. Apague las luces y mantenga su pie fuera del freno. Se recomienda enfaticamente el tomar precauciones para los infantes, ancianos y personas con problemas respiratorios.
Extreme Wind Warning
- English Short Message: NWS: EXTREME WIND WARNING this area til 11:35PM EDT. Take shelter now.
- Spanish Short Message: SNM: AVISO DE VIENTOS EXTREMOS hasta las 11:35PM EDT. Busque refugio ahora.
- English 360 Character Message: National Weather Service: An EXTREME WIND WARNING is in effect for this area for the immediate danger of life-threatening winds til 11:35PM EDT. Take cover NOW in an interior room of a sturdy building, away from windows. Protect your head from flying debris. Do NOT go out in the calm of the hurricane eye! Winds will quickly become dangerous again.
- Spanish 360 Character Message: Servicio Nacional de Meteorologia: AVISO DE VIENTO EXTREMO en efecto para esta area por peligro inmediato de viento que amenaza vida hasta las 11:35PM EDT. Moverse INMEDIATAMENTE al interior del edificio, alejado de ventanas. Proteja su cabeza de proyectiles. NO salga en la calma del ojo del huracan. El viento se tornara peligroso rapidamente.
Flash Flood Warning
- English Short Message: NWS: FLASH FLOOD WARNING this area til 11:00AM CST. Avoid flooded areas.
- Spanish Short Message: SNM: AVISO DE INUNDACIONES REPENTINAS hasta 11:00AM CST. Evite areas inundadas.
- English 360 Character Message: National Weather Service: A FLASH FLOOD WARNING is in effect for this area until 6:00AM EDT. This is a dangerous and life-threatening situation. Do not attempt to travel unless you are fleeing an area subject to flooding or under an evacuation order.
- Spanish 360 Character Message: Servicio Nacional de Meteorologia: AVISO DE INUNDACIONES REPENTINAS en efecto para esta area hasta las 6:00AM EDT. Esta es una situacion peligrosa y amenaza la vida. No intente viajar a menos que sea para abandonar un area propensa a inundaciones o bajo una orden de desalojo.
Flash Flood Warning (Emergency)
- English Short Message: NWS: FLASH FLOOD EMERGENCY this area til 11:00AM EDT. Avoid flooded areas.
- Spanish Short Message: SNM: EMERGENCIA DE INUNDACIONES REPENTINAS hasta 11:00AM EDT. Evite areas inundadas.
- English 360 Character Message: National Weather Service: A FLASH FLOOD EMERGENCY is in effect for this area until 11:00AM EDT. This is an extremely dangerous and life-threatening situation. Do not attempt to travel unless you are fleeing an area subject to flooding or under an evacuation order.
- Spanish 360 Character Message: Servicio Nacional de Meteorologia: EMERGENCIA DE INUNDACIONES REPENTINAS en efecto para esta area hasta las 11:00AM EDT. Esta es una situacion extremadamente peligrosa y amenaza la vida. No intente viajar a menos que sea para abandonar un area propensa a inundaciones o bajo una orden de desalojo.
Hurricane/Typhoon Warning
- English Short Message: NWS: HURRICANE {TYPHOON} WARNING this area. Check media and local authorities.
- Spanish Short Message: SNM: AVISO DE HURACAN {TIFON}. Consulte los medios informativos y autoridades locales.
- English 360 Character Message: National Weather Service: A HURRICANE {TYPHOON} WARNING is in effect for this area for dangerous and damaging winds. This warning is issued up to 36 hours before hazardous conditions begin. Urgently complete efforts to protect life and property. Have food, water, cash, fuel, and medications for 3+ days. FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS FROM LOCAL OFFICIALS.
- Spanish 360 Character Message: Servicio Nacional de Meteorologia: AVISO DE HURACAN {TIFON} en efecto por vientos peligrosos. Este aviso se emite 36 horas antes del comienzo de las condiciones peligrosas. Complete sus preparativos para proteger vida y propiedad. Asegure alimentos, agua, efectivo, combustible y medicamentos para 3 dias o mas. SIGA LAS INSTRUCCIONES DE LOS OFICIALES LOCALES.
Severe Thunderstorm Warning (WEA activated only when damage threat is destructive)
- English Short Message: NWS:DESTRUCTIVE WIND STORM in this area til 1215PM CDT. Take shelter now. Check media.
- Spanish Short Message: SNM:TORMENTA DE VIENTO DESTRUCTIVA en esta area hasta las 1215PM CDT. Tome refugio ahora.
- English 360 Character Message: National Weather Service: SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING in effect for this area until 12:15 PM CDT for DESTRUCTIVE 80 mph winds. Take shelter in a sturdy building, away from windows. Flying debris may be deadly to those caught without shelter.
- Spanish 360 Character Message: Servicio Nacional de Meteorologia: AVISO DE TORMENTA SEVERA en efecto para esta area hasta las 12:15 PM CDT por vientos DESTRUCTIVOS de 80 mph. Tome refugio en un edificio, alejado de las ventanas. Escombros arrastrados por el viento podrian ser mortales para aquellos que se encuentran sin refugio.
Note: A full listing of both the 90 and 360 character Severe Thunderstorm Warning messages, in English and Spanish language formats, can be found in this downloadable PDF.
Snow Squall Warning
- English Short Message: Snow Squall Warning til 10:15 AM EST. Sudden whiteouts. Icy roads. Slow down! -NWS
- Spanish Short Message: Aviso de Turbonada de Nieve hasta 10:15 AM EST. Pobre visibilidad! Reduzca la velocidad!
- English 360 Character Message: National Weather Service: Snow Squall Warning until 10:15 AM EST. Slow down or delay travel! Be ready for a sudden drop to near zero visibility and icy roads in heavy snow.
- Spanish 360 Character Message: Servicio Nacional de Meteorologia: Aviso de Turbonada de Nieve hasta las 10:15 AM EST. Reduzca la velocidad o retrase su viaje! Preparese para una caida repentina de visibilidad cercana a cero y carreteras heladas en nevadas fuertes.
Storm Surge Warning
- English Short Message: NWS: Life-threatening STORM SURGE danger. FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS OF LOCAL OFFICIALS.
- English 360 Character Message: National Weather Service: A STORM SURGE WARNING is in effect for this area for the danger of life-threatening flooding. This warning is issued up to 36 hours before hazardous conditions begin. Urgently complete efforts to protect life and property. Follow evacuation orders if given for this area to avoid drowning or being cut off from emergency services.
- Spanish 360 Character Message: Servicio Nacional de Meteorologia: AVISO DE MAREJADA CICLONICA en efecto por peligro de inundaciones amenazantes a vida. Esto se emite hasta 36 horas antes del comienzo de las condiciones peligrosas. Complete sus preparativos para proteger vida y propiedad. Siga las ordenes de desalojo para evitar ahogamiento o aislarse de los servicios de emergencia.
Tornado Warning
- English Short Message: NWS: TORNADO WARNING in this area til 12:15PM CST. Take shelter now. Check media.
- Spanish Short Message: SNM: AVISO DE TORNADO hasta las 12:15PM CST. Refugiese ahora. Consulte medios informativos
- English 360 Character Message: National Weather Service: TORNADO WARNING in this area until 12:15PM CST. Take shelter now in a basement or an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. If you are outdoors, in a mobile home, or in a vehicle, move to the closest substantial shelter and protect yourself from flying debris. Check media.
- Spanish 360 Character Message: Servicio Nacional de Meteorologia: AVISO DE TORNADO en efecto hasta las 12:15PM CST. Busque refugio ahora en un sotano o en el interior de un cuarto en el nivel mas bajo de un edificio seguro. Si esta al aire libre, en una casa movil, o en un vehiculo, debe ir al edificio seguro mas cercano y protegerse de proyectiles. Consulte los medios informativos.
Tornado Warning (Emergency)
- English Short Message: NWS: TORNADO EMERGENCY til 10:45PM MDT. Tornado spotted in this area. Take shelter now!
- Spanish Short Message: SNM: EMERGENCIA DE TORNADO hasta las 10:45PM MDT. Tornado fue detectado. Refugiarse ahora.
- English 360 Character Message: National Weather Service: TORNADO EMERGENCY until 10:45PM MDT. Tornado spotted in this area. This is a life-threatening situation. Take shelter now in a basement or an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. If you are outdoors, in a mobile home, or in a vehicle move to the closest substantial shelter and protect yourself from flying debris.
- Spanish 360 Character Message: SNM: EMERGENCIA DE TORNADO hasta las 10:45PM MDT. Un tornado ha sido detectado en esta area. Su vida esta en peligro. Busque refugio en un sotano o en el interior de un cuarto del nivel mas bajo de un edificio seguro. Si esta al aire libre, en una casa movil, o en un vehiculo, debe ir al edificio seguro mas cercano y protegerse de proyectiles.
Tsunami Warning
- English Short Message: NWS: TSUNAMI danger on the coast. Move to high ground or inland now.
- Spanish Short Message: SNM: Peligro de TSUNAMI. Vaya a un lugar alto o tierra adentro ahora.
- English 360 Character Message: The National Weather Service has issued a TSUNAMI WARNING. A series of powerful waves and strong currents may impact coasts near you. You are in danger. Get away from coastal waters. Move to high ground or inland now. Keep away from the coast until local officials say it is safe to return.
- Spanish 360 Character Message: El Servicio Nacional de Meteorologia ha emitido un AVISO DE TSUNAMI. Olas y corrientes fuertes pueden afectar costas cercanas. Su vida esta en peligro. Alejarse de aguas costeras. Moverse ahora a un lugar alto o tierra adentro. Mantenerse alejado hasta que las autoridades locales indiquen que es seguro regresar.