National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce
  1. Select the product type you wish to create (i.e. SVS)
  2. Right click inside a county/parish you wish to followup. The exisitng polygon will appear.

    a) The correction or followup options will be re-sorted by distance from mouse click location.

    b) For followups, the CON (or EXP) option will be "active". If CON, the CAN option will be next in the list.

    c) For corrections, proceed as usual with correction creation

    d) If there is not a valid warning in effect for the area selected, the closest warning will come to the top of the list and will need to be chosen to bring up the polygon.
  3. Make any needed polygon adjustments, then click Create Text
  4. Edit necessary text on text workstation
  5. SEND product