National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Southeast Arizona Drought Page

Local Drought Information Statement (DGT) is issued once a month when portions of southeast Arizona
are in Extreme (D3) or Exceptional (D4) drought per the U.S. Drought Monitor Map below.
The latest DGT was issued on March 20, 2025
Drought Information Statement Page

U.S. Drought Monitor

Long Term Drought Status
Latest drought classification map for Arizona.

 Latest drought classification map for Arizona.

click on images for larger view
The categories of drought are defined as the following:
Abnormally Dry (DO) - Going into drought: short-term dryness slowing planting, growth of crops or pastures. Coming out of drought: some lingering water deficits; pastures or crops not fully recovered.
Moderate Drought (D1) - Some damage to crops; pastures. Streams, reservoirs, or wells low, some water shortages developing or imminent. Voluntary water-use restrictions requested.
Severe Drought (D2) - Crop or pasture losses likely. Water shortages common. Water restrictions imposed.
Extreme Drought (D3) - Major crop/pasture losses. Widespread water shortages or restrictions.
Exceptional Drought (D4) - Exceptional and widespread crop/pasture losses. Shortages of water in reservoirs, streams, and wells creating water emergencies.

U.S. Monthly Drought Outlook

U.S. Seasonal Drought Outlook

U.S. Monthly Drought Outlook

 U.S. Seasonal Drought Outlook

click on images for larger view
Useful links:
U.S. Drought Monitor
Arizona Droughtview
Arizona Department of Water Resources
U.S. Drought Portal (NIDIS)


Fire weather impacts

Observed Fire Danger Class Forecast Fire Danger Class
6-10 day CONUS temperature outlook 6-10 day CONUS temperature outlook
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Current month fire potential 1 month fire potential 2 month fire potential 3 month fire potential
Current month fire potential outlook 1 month CONUS fire potential outlook 2 month CONUS precipitation outlook 3 month CONUS precipitation outlook



Temperature and Precipitation Outlooks

6-10 day 8-14 day
Temperature outlook Precipitation outlook Temperature outlook Precipitation outlook
6-10 day CONUS temperature outlook

 6-10 day CONUS precipitation outlook

8-14 day CONUS temperature outlook 8-14 day CONUS precipitation outlook
click on images for larger view
1 month 3 month
Temperature outlook Precipitation outlook Temperature outlook Precipitation outlook
1 month CONUS temperature outlook 1 month CONUS precipitation outlook 3 month CONUS temperature outlook 3 month CONUS precipitation outlook
12 month
Temperature outlook Precipitation outlook
12 month CONUS temperature outlook 12 month CONUS precipitation outlook