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Manila, CA, TsunamiReady Tier II ceremony, September 2019 Beaufort County, SC, TsunamiReady ceremonyGuam, AS, TsunamiReady ceremonyWhittier, AK, TsunamiReady ceremonyWaimanalo, HI, TsunamiReady ceremony
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In order for the National Weather Service (NWS) to recognize a community as TsunamiReady, the community
must have implemented the activities established in the TsunamiReady Guidelines. These activities include:

  • Defining tsunami hazard zones, producing evacuation maps and installing evacuation route signs
  • Supporting ongoing, sustained tsunami public education and outreach, including to schools in tsunami hazard zones
  • Establishing a 24-hour warning point and supporting emergency operations center operations
  • Having more than one way to receive tsunami warnings and to alert the public
  • Developing a formal tsunami operations plan and holding annual exercises

In 2015, the NWS approved a new set of TsunamiReady Guidelines:

The TsunamiReady program is implemented by local NWS Weather Forecast Offices in coordination with state/territorial National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program partners. Representatives from the forecast offices are available to help emergency managers (or other officials tasked with emergency management responsibilities) understand and meet the guidelines, identify gaps and resources to fill them and work through the application process. To begin the process of becoming TsunamiReady, review the guidelines and contact your local NWS Weather Forecast Office.

To learn more about how to use the guidelines to become TsunamiReady or renew your TsunamiReady recognition, take the TsunamiReady: Guidelines for Mitigation, Preparedness, and Response online training. This training is designed to equip community officials and other interested parties with strategies for streamlining guideline implementation. It includes numerous examples of efforts taken by communities and tips for garnering support and fitting the activities into existing all-hazards planning. The training is free, but registration is required.

+Apply to Become TsunamiReady

If you have read the guidelines and coordinated with your local NWS Weather Forecast Office, you are ready to apply. Download and fill out a TsunamiReady application (pdf) and then submit it to your local NWS Weather Forecast Office. (This program is in compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act.)

Once the application is received, a representative from your local NWS Weather Forecast Office will set up a visit to your community (either in person or virtual) to verify the information on your application. Upon verification, an application is submitted to the responsible TsunamiReady Board for review and approval.

If your community is determined not to be TsunamiReady as defined in the guidelines, your application will be returned to you with information about what is missing from your program. Once these issues are addressed, you will need to submit an updated application.

+Receive TsunamiReady Recognition

Upon approval of your application by your TsunamiReady Board, you will receive:

  • A formal notification letter from the National Weather Service
  • Two TsunamiReady signs (as funding supports)
  • Authorization to use the TsunamiReady logo on your website, preparedness materials, stationary, etc.
  • Information about your community's eligibility for credit points from the Federal Emergency Management Agency's Community Rating System, which provides discounts on flood insurance in participating communities
  • Recognition on the national TsunamiReady website

If you are interested, your local NWS Weather Forecast Office representative will also work with you to issue an optional news release and/or conduct a recognition ceremony. A recognition ceremony could include:

  • Formal media announcement
  • Presentation of a certificate of recognition
  • Unveiling of TsunamiReady signs

View photos from previous TsunamiReady and StormReady recognition ceremonies.

+Go Beyond TsunamiReady

Recognizing that some communities are at greater risk for major tsunami impacts than others, the TsunamiReady program has developed an additional set of guidelines to help communities further increase their tsunami resilience. The program also maintains a list of other actions that can supplement TsunamiReady efforts.