Mesa County, CO, January 2013, from left: Warning Coordination Meteorologist Jim Pringle; County Commissioners Steven Acquafresca and John Justman; County Emergency Manager Andy Martsolf;
Meteorologist-In-Charge Ben Moyer;
County Commissioner Rose Pugliese. Photo by Heather Benjami, Mesa County. |
2000th StormReady Site!
Naval Air Station Corpus Christi, TX, January 2013, from left: John Metz, WCM, Corpus Christi; Scott Cordero, MIC, Corpus Christi; Mike Coyne, Deputy Director SRH; Matt Poire; NAS Emergency Manager; Captain David M. Edgecomb, NAS Commander; Carl Rosengreen, NAS Assistant Emergency Manager; and other members of the NAS Emergency Management Team.
Supporter: Brown United, Inc., Duarte, CA, December 2012, from left, Eric Boldt, WCM, NWS Los Angeles/Oxnard; John Brown, CEO, and other workers at Brown United. |

Mercy Hospital, Hot Springs, AR. December 2012, from left: Tim Riley, rep, U.S. Sen. John Boozman;Teresa Smith, Area Coordinator for the Arkansas DEM; Jack Swaim, Hospital Facilities Director; Brenda Chase, Chief Operating Officer; Diane Pate, Safety Officer; Bob King, Deputy Director of the Garland County DEM; Renee Fair, Meteorologist in Charge, NWS Little Rock, AR. |

Grand Forks AFB, ND, December 2012, from left: NWS WCM Greg Gust, Col. Timothy Bush (319th Air Base Wing Commander), NWS MIC Mark Frazier. |

Camp Wilderness BSA, MN, November 2012, from left: Barry Mead (NLC RMC); Barb Braun Herbranson (CWARC); Wayne Stephens (CWARC, Camp Wilderness Health Officer); NWS WCM -Greg Gust; Brad Olson (NLC Program Director, RMC, CWARC); NWS MIC - Mark Frazier; Warren Wenner (NLC Field Services, RMC); Craig Sandstrom (NLC Risk Management Committee); Les Herbranson (CWARC). |

Champaign County, IL, December 2012, from left, John Dwyer, Champaign County, IL EMA Deputy Director; Chris Miller, WCM NWS Lincoln, IL; John Carlson, Champaign County, IL EMA Director; Rick Atterberry, Champaign County, IL EMA Public Information Officer. |

Newcastle, OK, December 2012, from left, Newcastle Mayor Karl Nail and Rick Smith, WCM, WFO Norman. |

Scott County, TN, December 2012, from left,
Paul Strunk, WBNT Radio Operations Manager; Al Libbrecht, Area Coordinator TEMA; Wayne Shoemaker, Director, Scott County Emergency Management; NWS Morristown, TN, WCM Anthony Cavalucci; Jeff Tibbals, Scott County Mayor; and NWS MIC George Mathews. |

Macon County, GA, December 2012, from left: County Commissioner Gordon Sutton, County Manager Regina McDuffie, County EM John Turner, County Commission Chairman Richmond Felton, Commissioners Scott Dougherty and Commissioner Mickey George, NWS Warning Coordination Barry Gooden, Commissioner Bob Melvin, Area 4 Field Coordinator for GEMA Ed Westbrook, Area 4 Chairperson GEMA Donald Druitt. Photo by Brittney P. Giles/The Citizen Georgian |

Macon County, GA, December 2012, from left: County Commissioner Gordon Sutton, County Manager Regina McDuffie, County EM John Turner, County Commission Chairman Richmond Felton, Commissioners Scott Dougherty and Commissioner Mickey George, NWS Warning Coordination Barry Gooden, Commissioner Bob Melvin, Area 4 Field Coordinator for GEMA Ed Westbrook, Area 4 Chairperson GEMA Donald Druitt. Photo by Brittney P. Giles/The Citizen Georgian |

Barrow County, GA, December 2012, from left, Safety Director Steve Nichols, Commissioner Eva Elder, Penny Clack, NWS WCM Barry Gooden, Commissioner Larry Joe Wilburn, BCES chief Dennis Merrifield, BOC Chairman Danny Yearwood, and Commissioners Isaiah Berry, Billy Parks, Ben Hendrix and Steve Worley. Photo by Susan Norman, Barrow Journal. |

San Juan County, CO, December 2012, from left, Lead forecaster Tom Renwick, San Juan County Deputy Emergency Manager Michael Maxfield, WCM Jim Pringle, and MIC Ben Moyer. |

Hau'ula, HI, December 2012, from left: Mike Cantin, WCM, NWS Honolulu; Maj. Gen. Wong, HI National Guard; Dotty-Kelly Paddock, Hau'ula Community Association; Burt Greene, Hau’ula Emergency Leadership Preparedness Committee; Maria Lutz, HI Red Cross; Mel Kaku, Oahu Department of Emergency Management |

DeBordieu Colony, SC: November 2012, from left: Dick Rose; David Kossove; Blanche Brown, General Manager; Sam Hodge, Georgetown County EM; Bob Flowers; Les Crawford, Board President; Jim Green; Steve Pfaff, WCM, WFO Wilmington, NC; Jeff Shields; Jim Cooper; and Claire Yarborough. |

Hot Spring County, AR, November 2012, from left: Tim Riley, Rep., U.S. Senator John Boozman; County Judge Bill Scrimshire; Renee Fair, Meteorologist in Charge, NWS Little Rock, AR; David Ratcliffe, County Emergency Manager; Robin Halbert, Deputy Emergency Manager and 911 Coordinator; Teresa Smith, Area Coordinator for the Arkansas Department of Emergency Management |

Norman Public Schools, November 2012, from left: J.T. Johnson and Stephanie Siewert, Weather Decision Technologies; Rick Smith, WCM WFO Norman; Darry Stacy, President, Norman Board of Education. |

Carmel Highlands Fire Protection District (CHFPD), CA, November 2012, from left: Eddy Moore, Fire Captain; Rick Wilson, California Geologic Survey; Jennifer Valdez, Fire Captain; Mark Davidian, CHFPD President; Logan Johnson, NWS Monterey WCM; Jim Rossen, CHFPD Vice President; John Hudson, Lynne Semeria, Deryl Moses, CHFPD Board Members. Photo by Steve Anderson, HMT, NWS Monterey. |

Warren County, MS, November 2012, from left: NWS Jackson NWS MIC Alan Gerard; Warren County Emergency Management Director John Elfer; Warren County Board of Supervisors VP William Banks; Supervisor Charles Selmon; Board President Bill Lauderdale; (not pictured) Supervisor John Arnold; Supervisor Richard George. |

Breezy Point, MN, November 2012, from left, Todd Krause, WCM, NWS Minneapolis/ Chanhassen, MN; Dan Luna, MIC; Carol Christenson, WCM, NWS Duluth, MN; Mayor JoAnn Weaver; Police Chief Kevin Merschman; Patrolman Jason Rieber; Greg Gust, WCM, NWS Grand Forks, ND. |

Galveston County, TX, October 2012, from left front: County Office of Emergency Management (GCOEM): Nancy McCain, Niki Bender, Norman Williamson, Rony Kraft, Chris Streeper, Alyssa Young. Back row, Hon. Patrick Doyle, Hon. Kevin O’Brien, County Judge Mark Henry, Hon. Stephen Holmes, EM Coordinator David Popoff (GCOEM), NWS Houston/Galveston Meteorologist-in-Charge Gene Hafele, Hon. Ken Clark. |

Supporter: McKee Foods Corporation, Collegedale, TN, October 2012, from left: Collegedale Mayor John Turner, Hamilton County Mayor Jim Coppinger, Morristown WCM Anthony Cavallucci, President McKee Foods Corp. Mike McKee, Tennessee State Senator Bo Watson, Vice President McKee Foods Roger Fiske, Assistant Chief Collegedale James Hardeman, Hamilton County Director of Emergency Management Tony Reavley. |

Supporter: Motlow State University, TN, October 2012, from left: Tom Johnstone, WCM, NWS Nashville; Dr. Apple, Motlow President; David Britton, Safety Coordinator; and David Nadler, WCM, NWS Huntsville. |
Supporter: KAAL Television, Ch.6 ABC, Austin, MN, October 2012, from left: Chris Kuball, Jim Peterson, Justin Thompson-Gee, KAAL; Todd Shea, WCM, NWS La Crosse, WI. |

Bellevue City, WA, October 2012, from left: John Chelminiak, Don Davidson - Council Members; Jennifer Robertson, Deputy Mayor; Conrad Lee, Mayor; Kevin Wallace, John Stokes, Claudia Balducci, Council Members;
Luke Meyers, Emergency Management Director |

Boise Airport, October 2012, from left: In the back row: NWS Boise WCM Jay Breidenbach, and MIC Bob Diaz; Rebecca Hupp, Airport Director; Dale Nalder, BHS Southwest Area Field Officer; Sarah Demory (Deputy Director of Operation and Security, Meteorologist Bill Wojcik; and Doug Hardman, Ada County EM. |

Supporter, Northeast Alabama Community College, October 2012, from left: David Nadler, WCM, NWS Huntsville; Kent Jones, Plant Supervisor at NACC; Angie Stewart, Administration; Dr. David Campbell, President; Norman Smith, Chief of Police; Anthony Clifton, DeKalb County EMA; Dr. Joseph Burke, Vice President. |

Natick Soldier Systems Center (NSSC), October 2012, from left: Robert Thompson, MIC, NWS-Taunton, MA; Scott Whitney, NSSC Installation Emergency Manager;Glenn Field, WCM, NWS - Taunton, MA; Hayden Frank, Senior Forecaster, NWS-Taunton, MA; Lieutenant Colonel (LTC) Frank Sobchak, Garrison Commander; Command Sergeant Major (CSM); Brian Warren, Garrison Sergeant Major |

Naval Air Station Kingsville, TX, September 2012, from left: Commanding Officer Capt. Mark McLaughlin, John Metz, NWS Corpus Christi, TX, Warning Coordination Meteorologist and Monette Walker, NAS Kingsville Emergency Manager. Photo by Jon Gagne, NAS Kingsville Public Affairs. |

TsunamiReady: Santa Barbara, CA, September 2012, from left: Kevin Miller, CalEMA Earthquake and Tsunami Program Manager; Mick Kronman, Harbor Operations Manager; Joe Poire, Fire Marshall; Yolanda McGlinchey, Emergency Services Manager; Chief Andrew DiMizio, City Fire Dept.; Eric Boldt, WCM, NWS Los Angeles/Oxnard; Mark Jackson, MIC, NWS Los Angeles/Oxnard. |

Jackson, MS, September 2012, from left: Jackson Mayor Harvey Johnson, Jr., and . NWS Jackson Meteorologist in Charge Alan Gerard. |
Michigan State University, September 2012, from left: Jim Maczko, NWS Grand Rapids Warning Coordination Meteorologist; Chief James Dunlap, Michigan State University Police Department; Nathan Jeruzal, NWS Grand Rapids StormReady Program Leader; Inspector Penny Fischer, Michigan State University Police Department |

Perry County, PA, September 2012, from left:Paul Rudy, Jr., County Commissioner; Bruce Budd, Meteorologist-in-Charge, NWS State College, PA; Tom Bell, County Emergency Management Coordinator; Ester Rowe, Department Coordinator, Perry County Emergency Management, PA; Brenda Benner, County Commissioner. |

Twin County Regional Hospital, Galax, VA, September 2012, from left: Kevin Reedy, Director of Plant Operations; Phil Hysell, Warning Coordination Meteorologist, NWS Blacksburg; William Richardson, VDEM Region 4 Coordinator; and Jon D. Applebaum, CEO Twin County Regional Hospital. |
Columbia County, PA, September 2012, from left:Michelle Frye, Operations & Training Officer, County Emergency Management; Fred Hunsinger, CountyEmergency Management Coordinator; Bruce Budd, Meteorologist-in-Charge, NWS State College, PA; Rich Ridgway, Dave Kovach, and Chris Young, Columbia County Commissioners. |

KCAU_TV, Sioux Falls, IA, September 2012, from left: Todd Heitkamp, NWS Sioux City WCM, Scott Larson; Fred Hexom, Chief Meteorologist; and Matt Peterson. |

Bowie County, TX, September 2012, from left: Ms. Cindy White, Deputy EM; Bill Parker WCM, NWS Shreveport, LA; John Carson, EM; and County Judge Sterling Lacy. |
Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI), August 2012, from left:Dave Tucek, WCM, NWS Indianapolis; Dan McCarthy, MIC, Dawn Rhodes, Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration, IUPUI; Carlos Garcia, Director, Emergency Management & Continuity, IUPUI. |

Curry County, NM, August 2012, from left: Kerry Jones, WCM, WFO Albuquerque; Wendell Bostwick, Chairman, County Board of Commissioners; Ken De Los Santos, EM, County, city of Clovis, NM; Connie Gee, Office of EM Assistant; Shawn Bennett, NWS MIC. |

Linkin Park, Oklahoma, August 2012, from left: Staff from Weather Decision Technologies, the private company, which supports Linkin. |

Fauquier County, VA, August 2012, from left: Chris Strong, WCM, NWS Baltimore/ Washington; Tom Billington, Fire/Rescue Chief Fauquier County; Sara Makely, Emergency Management Deputy Coordinator Fauquier County |

Bayside, WI, August 2012, from left: Rusty Kapela, WCM, WFO Milwaukee; Barry Mitchell, Milwaukee County EM; Ben Schliesman, SE Reg. EM Director; Steve Bruske, MIC, WFO Milwaukee; J.J. Wood, Forecaster; Mike Pedersen, Bayside Management Fellow; Sgt. Dale Schoessow, Bayside Police; Andrew Pederson, Bayside Village Manager; Bruce Resnick, Bayside Police Chief & EM Coordinator; Steve Bronner, North Shore Fire Department. |

Crawford County, IN, August 2012, from left: Wade Bell, County LEPC Member; Kent Barrow, previous County EMA Director; Larry Allen, County EMA Director; John Gordon, MIC, NWS Louisville; Joe Sullivan, WCM, NWS Louisville. |

Supporter TV Station ABC5, WOI-DI, August 2012, from left: Jeff Johnson, Warning Coordination Meteorologist and Brad Edwards, Chief Meteorologist. |

Boone County, Iowa, August 2012, from left:Brenda Brock, NWS Des Moines Meteorologist-in-Charge; Bill Lusher, County Supervisor; Dave Morlan, County Emergency Management Coordinator; Jeff Johnson; NWS Warning Coordination Meteorologist; Stephen Duffy, County Supervisor; Tom Foster, County Supervisor; Karl Jungbluth, NWS Science and Operations Officer.

Texas A&M University, San Antonio, August 2012, from left: Paul Yura, WCM, NWS Austin-San Antonio, TX; Joe Arellano, MIC; Dr. Maria Hernandez Ferrier, President, Texas A&M University San Antonio; Damon Shodrock, Director of Safety, Risk, and Emergency Management, Texas A&M University San Antonio; Chief Larry Trevino, Emergency Manager, City of San Antonio. |

KCRG-TV9, Cedar Rapids, IA, August 2012, from left: Meteorologist in Charge, Steve Kuhl (left) presents the StormReady Supporter recognition to KCRG-TV9 Chief Meteorologist Joe Winters (right) |

Fort Bend County, TX, August 2012, from left:
Gene Hafele, Meteorologist-in-Charge, NWS Houston; Alan Spears, Dept. EMC Ft. Bend County; Fort Bend County Judge Robert Hebert; Jeff Braun, Ft. Bend County EMC; Deputy Richard Swonke; Captain Danny Jan. |

KLKN-TV, Lincoln, NE, July 2012, from left: KLKN-TV Chief Meteorologist Kevin Coskren; Brian Smith, WCM, NWS Valley; and KLKN TV Meteorologist Luke Dorris.Photo by NWS Omaha/Valley Meteorologist Cathy Zapotocny. |

Robins, GA, Air Force Base, July 2012, from left: Roddy E. Nixon, Jr., Senior Meteorologist, Robins AFB; Capt. Devan L. Lynch; Barry Gooden, WCM, NWS Peachtree City; Col. Patricia Ross; and Lt. Col. Jacob Trigler |

Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, July 2012, from left: Gail Minami-Judd, District Ranger; Mike Cantin, WCM, HFO/CPHC; Talmadge Magno, Chief Park Ranger; John Broward, Emergency Operations Coordinator. |

Renewal: St. Louis County, July 2012, from left: Mike Smiley, St. Louis County EMA Director; Dan Stumpf, St. Louis County Police; Communications Coordinator; St. Louis WCM Jim Kramper |

Addison, TX, July 2012, from left: Melissa Huffman, EM student volunteer; MIC Tom Bradshaw; Addison Mayor Todd Meier; Senior Meteorologist Eric Martello; and Emergency Manager John O'Neal. Back Row: Addison City Council members and city officials. Photo courtesy city of Addison. |

Supporter: Bridgestone LaVergne Plant, June 2012, from left: Sean Kelley, Operations Manager; Bud Hale. Health and Safety Manager; Trevor Boucher, NWS Nashville; Tom Johnstone, NWS Nashville. |

Pike County, IN, July 2012, from left: Tonda Dixon, EM Director; Ernie Hume, EM Deputy Director; Brian Davis, Presiding Commissioner; Rick Shanklin, WCM, WFO Paducah, KY; and Terry Hight, Indiana DHS Coordinator for southwest Indiana. |

Elmore County, ID, May 2012, from left: Bill Wojcik (Lead Forecaster and Storm Ready Focal Point), Jay Breidenbach (WCM), Jo Anne Lanham (Mayor Glenns Ferry), Tom Rist (Mayor Mountain Home), Carol Killian (Elmore County Emergency Services Coordinator), and Bob Diaz (MIC) |

Oklahoma City Community College, May 2012, from left: Dr. Jerry Steward, Executive Vice President; David Anderson, Director of Information Technology Infrastructure; Rick Smith, WCM Norman; Dr. Paul Sechrist, President; Lisa Teel, Director of Emergency Planning and Risk Management; and Dr. John Boyd, Vice President for Business and Finance. |

Hinds County, MS, May 2012, from left: Hinds County Emergency Manager Jimmie Lewis and NWS Jackson, MS, MIC Alan Gerard. |

Albuquerque, NM Center Weather Service Unit, May 2012, from left: Albuquerque Air Route Traffic Control Center Staff Manager Steve Stooksberry, Albuquerque Air Route Traffic Control Center Air Traffic Manager Terry Locke, Meteorologist in Charge Albuquerque Center Weather Service Unit Jim Reynolds, Meteorologist in Charge Albuquerque Weather Forecast Office Shawn Bennett. . |
Cedar Point Amusement Park, May 2012, from left:Gary Garnet, WCM, WFO Cleveland, OH; Ken Berryhill, Cedar Point Safety Director; John Hildebrandt, Cedar Point General Manager; and Bill Comeaux, MIC. |

Claiborne County, MS, May 2012, from left:Charlie Norrells, Claiborne County Board of Supervisors President Marvin Ratliff, Claiborne County Emergency Management Director Alan Gerard, Meteorologist in Charge, NWS Jackson MS |
Mohave County, AZ, May 2012, from left: District 1 Supervisor Gary Watson; Las Vegas WCM Faith Borden; Chairman of the Board of Supervisors Buster Johnson, District 3; and District 2 Supervisor Tom Sockwell. Photo Courtesy of Mohave County. |
Supporter: NBC15-WMTV Madison, May 2012, from left: Chris Gegg, News Director; Geoff Shields, Director of Operations; Bob Smith, Regional VP/GM Gray Television; Charles Koch, WMTV Meteorologist; David George, WMTV Chief Meteorologist; Rusty Kapela, WCM, WFO Milwaukee; Ed Townsend, Meteorologist, WFO Milwaukee. |

Hancock County, IN, May 2012, from left: Jeff Vanderwal, Deputy Director, Hancock County EMA; Mike Ryan, Senior Forecaster, NWS Indianapolis; Larry Ervin, Director, Hancock County EMA. |

Ocean Isle Beach, NC, May 2012, from left: Steve Pfaff, WCM, WFO Wilmington; Justin Whiteside, Planning Director Ocean Isle Beach; and Chuck Rash, Assistant. Fire Chief, Ocean Isle Beach Fire Department. |

Vermilion County, IL, May 2012, from left: Chris Miller, WCM WFO Lincoln, IL; Rick Harper, Severe Weather Coordinator, Vermilion County EMA; Ted Fisher, Director, Vermilion County EMA; Patrick Bak, Lead Forecaster WFO Lincoln, IL |

Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education, May 2012, from left: Pamela Boatright, campus safety coordinator; Richard Smith; Chancellor Glen D. Johnson; and Glenda McDaniel, director of business services |

Neshoba County, MS, May 2012, from left: Jackson, MS MIC Alan Gerard and Neshoba County Emergency Manager Jeff Mayo. |

TsunamiReady, Port Angeles, WA, May 2012, from left: Council Members Brooke Nelson, Max Mania, Patrick Downie, Mayor Cherie Kidd, Deputy Mayor Brad Collins, Council Members Dan Di Guillo, Sissi Bruch, and NWS Seattle WCM Ted Buehner |

Spink Co. SD, April 2012, from left: Warning Coordination Meteorologist NWS Aberdeen, SD, Dave Hintz and Emergency Manager Larry Tebben. |

University of Mary, Bismarck, ND, April 2012, from left: Bob Keller, Office of Safety and Security; Mark Stephens, Physical Plant Director; Jeff Savadel, MIC WFO Bismarck, ND; Mary Senger, Burleigh County EM; JP Martin, WCM; Father James Shea, President; Jimmy Taeger, Intern; Tony Merriman, Senior Forecaster. |

University of Mississippi Medical Center (UMMC), April 2012, from left: Jonathan Wilson, UMMC Directory of Emergency Services; Paula Vital, UMMC RN Educator; Alan Gerard, MIC Jackson MS; Julie Kelley - UMMC Training Center Manager; Steve Wilkinson, WCM Jackson, MS |

Ventura County TsunamiReady, April 2012, from left: Mark Jackson, MIC, NWS Los Angeles/Oxnard; Eric Boldt, WCM, NWS Los Angeles/Oxnard; Cynthia Elliott, Ventura County Public Information Officer; Dale Carnathan, Ventura County Program
Administrator |

University of New Mexico, April 2012, from left: Kerry Jones, WCM WFO Albuquerque; Shawn Bennett, MIC; UNM President Dr. David Schmidly; Byron Piatt, Emergency Manager; Mary Vosevich, Director, Physical Plant; Mark Reynolds, Associate Director, Information Technologies |

Jackson Air National Guard Base, April 2012, from left: Robert Latham, MEMA director; Alan Gerard, MIC Jackson MS; Brig General William J. Crisler, 172nd Wing Commander;. Steve Wilkinson, WCM Jackson MS; Msgt Kevin Hanke, 172nd Emergency Manager |

TsuanmiReady/StormReady, Pebble Beach, CA, March 2012, from left: Tom Evans, NWS San Francisco Bay Area; Rick Wilson, California Geological Survey; Jennifer Valdez, California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection; Sherrie Collins, Monterey County Office of Emergency Services; Kevin Miller, California Emergency Management Agency; Sandra McKenzie, California Emergency Management Agency |

TsuanmiReady, Santa Cruz County, March 2012, from left: Rick Wilson, California Geological Survey; Sandra McKenzie, California Emergency Management Agency; Kevin Miller, California Emergency Management Agency; Laurie Lang, Santa Cruz County; Paul Horvat; Santa Cruz County; Tom Evans, NWS San Francisco Bay Area; and Kevin Baker, NWS San Francisco Bay Area. |

TsunamiReady, Monterey County, CA, March 2012, from left: Kevin Baker, MIC, NWS San Francisco Bay Area; Sidney Reade, Emergency Planner, Monterey County; and Sandra McKenzie, Emergency Services Coordinator, California Emergency Management Agency. |

University of Central Oklahoma, March 2012, from left: Norman Nieves, Emergency Management Coordinator; Rick Smith, WCM; Dr. Don Betz, President. |

Supporter: Sun 'n Fun facility, Lakeland, FL. February 2012, from center left: holding the sign, Logan Johnson, Senior Forecaster NWS Ruskin and J.R. Leenhouts, President and C.E.O. of Sun 'n Fun. |

St. Louis, MO, Regional Airport, February 2012, from left: Richard Bell, Airport Board Chairman; David Miller, Airport Manager; Jim Kramper, WCM, NWS St. Louis. |

Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD), February 2012, from left: Dan Keeton, MIC Sacramento, CA and SMUD President Nancy Bui-Thompson. |

Lynchburg, VA, February 2012, from left: David Wert, MIC, WFO Blacksburg; William Aldrich, Director, Lynchburg Department of Emergency Services; Jennifer Maul, Assistant Supervisor, Department of Emergency Services; and Phil Hysell WCM, WFO Blacksburg |

Moore County, TX, February 2012, from left: Precinct 3 Commissioner Milton Pax, Precinct 1 Commissioner Daniel Garcia; Precinct 4 Commissioner Lynn Cartrite; County Judge: Rowdy Rhoades, •Meteorologist-In-Charge: Jose Garcia, Precinct 2 Commissioner: Len Sheets, Moore County Emergency Manager Tommy Brooks |

Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community, February 2012, from left: Cliff Puckett, SRPMIC Emergency Manager; Martin Harvier, Vice President of the SRPMIC; and Ken Waters, WCM NWS Phoenix. |

Howard County, MD, February 2012, from left: Lonnie Robbins, Chief Administrative Officer; Chris Strong, NWS Baltimore/Washington; John Dulina, Maryland Emergency Management Agency; Ryan Miller, Deputy Director Emergency Management. |

KJCT TV, Grand Junction, CO, KJCT TV, February 2012, from left: Meteorologists Dann Cianca, Eddie Sheerr, Drew Wilkins, NWS Grand Junction, CO, MIC Doug Crowley, WCM Jim Pringle, Lead Forecaster Tom Renwick. |

Appalachian State University, January 2012, from left: Appalachian State University Chancellor Kenneth E. Peacock; Environmental Health, Safety, and Emergency Management Director Seth Norris; WCM, WFO Blacksburg, VA, Phil Hysell; and Area 12 Coordinator for the Western Branch of North Carolina Emergency Management, Tiawana Ramsey |

Blaine County, MT, January 2012, from left: Haley Gustitis (Blaine County DES Coordinator); Benjamin Schott (Great Falls Warning Coordination Meteorologist); Vic Miller (Blaine County Commissioner, Chairman) |

Grayson County, VA, January 2012, from left: Jonathan D. Sweet, County Administrator; Mitchell L. Smith, Deputy County Administrator & Emergency Management Coordinator; Brenda R. Sutherland, Board of Supervisors; David M. Sexton, Chairman Board of Supervisors; Willie Richardson, Virginia Department of Emergency Management Region 4 Coordinator; Phil Hysell, NWS Blacksburg Warning Coordination Meteorologist; and Richard Vaughan, Sheriff of Grayson County. |

Avera McKennan Hospital, Sioux Falls, SD, January 2012, from left: Director of Environmental Safety Kathy Jacobs; Warning Coordination Meteorologist Todd Heitkamp; and Regional President and CEO Dr. Dave Kapaska. |

Flint Hills Services, El Dorado, KS, January 2012, Flint Hills is the organization serving the developmentally disabled to become StormReady. |

Air National Guard Base, Sioux Falls, SD, January 2012, from left: NWS Sioux Falls' Warning Coordination Meteorologist Todd Heitkamp, Colonel Russ Walz and SMSgt Rick Larson. |

Champlain, NY, January 2012, from right:Town Supervisor Larry Barcomb and MIC Andy Nash, NWS Burlington, VT. Photo by Stephen Bartlett. |

Marshall, TX, January 2012, from right: Armando Garza, MIC, NWS Shreveport, LA, Keith Stellman, WCM, present a sign to the Emergency Management Coordinator for Marshall TX. |

Wiley College, TX, January 2012, from right: Armando Garza, MIC, Shreveport, LA; Bill Parker, Senior Meteorologist; Keith Stellman, WCM; Nathaniel E. Hewitt, III, VP Information Systems and Technology; Dr. Joseph L. Morale, Vice President for Student Affairs & Enrollment Services; Lester Newman, Executive Assistant to the President; Dr. Haywood L. Strickland, President and CEO. |

University of Texas at Arlington, January 2012, from left: Bill Bunting, MIC, WFO Fort Worth; Cindy Mohat, Emergency Management Coordinator; University of Texas at Arlington and Greg Patrick, Science and Operations Officer, WFO Fort Worth. |

Kailua, HI, January 2012, from left: Ray Tanabe, MIC HFO; Claudine Tomasa, Kailua Neighborhood Board; Carlene MacPherson, Neighborhood Security Watch; Mike Cantin, WCM HFO |

Marine Corp Base, Hawaii, January 2012, from left: Colonel Brian Annichiarico, Commanding Officer MCBH, Mike Cantin, WCM HFO; Jacque Freeland, MCBH; Emergency Management Ray Tanabe, MIC HFO |

Columbus Air Force Base, January 2012, from left: Colonel Barre R. Seguin, Air Education and Training Command; 14th Flying Training Wing Commander; Alan Gerard, Meteorologist in Charge, WFO Jackson, MS. |