Go to scripts directory and start the following steps: 1) Run dbaccess to create a new database: - Select Database -> Create (type in name for your database: hd1_2verif ). - Select Log-> None - Select Dbspace->(select your Dbspace name) -> exit. - Select Create-new-database and enter. - Select Database, select the database hd1_2verif. - Select Query-Language->Choose (select verify_db) - Select Run->Exit. (this fills in your database with tables from verify_db schema). 2) Extract lid list from IHFS database. - Run dbaccess - Select Database hd1_2xxx (where xxx is rfc id). - Select Query-Language->Choose (select lid ) -> Run. (this will extract lids from location table in IHFS database and put a list of lids in a file lids) 3) Run the script to insert list of lids into vrivergaugeloc table. From command line, execute the script: insrt_lids.script 4) Update data in vlocation table. Go to bin directory, execute the command. Note: check for appropriate names for IHFSDB and verify Db name in the input command files. verify -commands update_loc.in 5) For extracting data, run the sample extract_data.in command file: verify -commands extract_data.in (extract_data.in is a sample input command that extracts data from hd1_2XXX to hd1_2verif database. For more information read the Users Manual) 6) For pairing data run: verify -commands riverrsp.in