World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Headings have the format of T1T2A1A2ii CCCC.

The CCCC for all NESDIS product WMO headings is KNES.

The T1 for all NESDIS product WMO Headings is I.

The T2 = DESIGNATOR DATA TYPE for all NESDIS product WMO Headings is X,

        X = Other data types or TEST Data

The A1 for Geographical Area = T 45W - 180E northern hemisphere

        T 45W - 180 northern hemisphere

GOES-R Product Designator (A2) Name = ii 10 - 18 (Imagery/Point)

        A = Aerosol Detection (Smoke & Dust) NetCDF4 East and West
        B = Aerosol Detection (Events, Groups, Flashes) NetCDF4 East and West
        C = Aerosol Optical Depth NetCDF4 East and West
        D = Volcanic Ash: Detection and Height NetCDF4 East and West
        E = Cloud Optical Depth NetCDF4 East and West
        F = Cloud Particle Size Distribution NetCDF4 East and West
        G = Cloud Top Phase NetCDF4 East and West
        H = Cloud Top Height NetCDF4 East and West
        I = Cloud Top Pressure NetCDF4 East and West
        J = Cloud Top Temperature NetCDF4 East and West
        K = Hurricane Intensity NetCDF4 East and West
        L = Rainfall Rate/QPE NetCDF4 East and West
        M = Legacy Vertical Temperature Profile NetCDF4 East and West
        H = Derived Stability Indices NetCDF4 East and West
        O = Total Precip Water NetCDF4 East and West
        P = Clear Sky Masks NetCDF4 East and West
        Q = Fire/Hot Spot Characterization NetCDF4 East and West
        R = Land Sfc (Skin) Temp NetCDF4 East and West
        S = Sea Sfc Temp (skin) NetCDF4 East and West
        T = Snow Cover NetCDF4 East and West
        U = Derived Motion Winds NetCDF4 East and West
        V = Lightning Detection: Events, Flashes, Groups NetCDF4 East and West
        W = Downward Shortwave Radiation:Surface Via TG NCEP Only? NetCDF4 East and West
        X = Reflected Shortwave Radiation: TOA NCEP Only? NetCDF4 East and West
        Y = Radiances NCEP Only? NetCDF4 East and West
        Z = Not Used

GOES-R Product Designator (A2) Name = ii = 20 -28 (SWPC/NetCDF4)

        A = Energetic Heavy Ions
        B = Magnetospheric Electrons and Protons: Low Energy
        C = Magnetospheric Electrons and Protons: High Energy
        D = Solar and Galactic Protons
        E = Geomagnetic Field
        F = Solar Flux: EUV
        G = Solar Flux: X-Ray
        H = Solar Imagery: EUV (SUVI)

NESDIS Reference Designator (A2 and ii) area of coverage

       Imagery/Point      SWPC

	 A = 10 - 18      20 - 28
        B = 10 - 18      20 - 28
        C = 10 - 18      20 - 28
        D = 10 - 18      20 - 28
        E = 10 - 18      20 - 28
        F = 10 - 18      20 - 28
        G = 10 - 18      20 - 28
        H = 10 - 18      20 - 28
        I = 10 - 18 
        J = 10 - 18 
        K = 10 - 18 
        L = 10 - 18 
        M = 10 - 18 
        N = 10 - 18 
        O = 10 - 18 
        P = 10 - 18 
        Q = 10 - 18 
        R = 10 - 18 
        S = 10 - 18 
        T = 10 - 18 
        U = 10 - 18 
        V = 10 - 18 
        W = 10 - 18 
        X = 10 - 18 
        Y = 10 - 18 
        Z = 10 - 18