2020/11/10 DM10-22.01 ANTARCTIC AUTOMATED WEATHER STATION BUFR DATA NOXX10 KWBC 101900 Data Mgt Message 10.22-01 To: AWIPS/NOAAPort Users. Emergency Managers Weather Information Network /EMWIN/ National Weather Services /NWS/ Customers. WAFS Users. GTS Users. NWS Fax Chart Users From: RTH Washington Data Management Subject: ANTARCTIC AUTOMATED WEATHER STATION BUFR DATA Effective: November 10, 2022 1200Z WMO Headers: ISMA[01-03] KWBC and ISMA[46-48] KWBC Submitting Authority: MATTHEW LAZZARA MATTL@SSEC.WISC.EDU IS THE COGNIZANT TECHNICAL INDIVIDUAL FROM UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN FOR THIS ITEM. Distribution of the above WMO headed products on GTS will be changing format. Currently, each bulletin contains many BUFR messages corresponding to each Antarctic site. After the effective date, the bulletin will contain only one BUFR message containing data for all corresponding Antarctic sites. If you have any questions regarding distribution or would like to add these products to your datastream please contact Data Management at ncep.pmb.dm@noaa.gov. Data Management NCO Implementation & Data Services Branch College Park GISC/RTH Washington Sends NNNN