2025/03/11 Effective Immediately DM03-25.06 Suspending Balloon Launches NOXX10 KWBC 110943 Data Mgt Message 03.25-06 To: AWIPS/NOAAPort Users. Emergency Managers Weather Information Network /EMWIN/ National Weather Services /NWS/ Customers. WAFS Users. GTS Users. NWS Fax Chart Users From: RTH Washington IDP DataFlow Subject: Suspending Balloon Launches Effective immediately, and until further notice, the National Weather Service /NWS/ is temporarily suspending some weather balloon launches in Albany.. New York/ 72518/ Gray..Maine /74389/ and Kotzebue..Alaska /70133/ due to a lack of Weather Forecast Office /WFO/ staffing. For NOAAPORT and NON-AWIPS Customers - if you have any questions regarding distribution or would like to add these products to your datastream please contact Data Management at nco.idp.dataflow@noaa.gov. This information is also posted on the NWS IDP DataFlow change notices web page. The url is listed below. https://www.weather.gov/datamgmt/notices IDP DataFlow NCO Implementation & Data Services Branch College ParkGISC/RTH Washington Sends NNNN