National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Critical Fire Weather in the Southern High Plains and Eastern Florida Peninsula; Pacific Storms Impacting the Northwest

Gusty winds and dry conditions will continue elevated to critical fire weather Thursday over the southern High Plains eastern Florida Peninsula. Two Pacific storms will impact the Northwest U.S. with heavy mountain snow and low elevation rain from Thursday into Saturday. Read More >

Monthly Records for Primary Climatological Data Sites

(Top 5 for each month)


Climate Records since 1898

Wettest -Highest total rainfall for the calendar month

Driest- Lowest total rainfall for the calendar month

 Hottest - Highest average temperatures for the calendar month 

Coolest - Lowest average temperature for the calendar month

* Calculations were made for records with no more than three missing days of data for any variable. 


San Juan


Wettest Driest Hottest Coolest
 15.47" 1937  0.61" 1978 80.2°F 2014 73.3°F 1950
 12.45" 1902  0.69" 1983 80.1°F 2024  73.4°F 1917
 11.07" 2010  0.94" 1960 79.8°F 1981 73.4°F 1907
 9.08" 2020  1.26" 1918 79.4°F 2020 73.6°F 1945
 8.09" 1934  1.29" 1979 78.9°F 2018 73.7°F 1923


Wettest Driest Hottest Coolest
 11.69" 2022  0.05" 1941  80.0°F 2010  73.3°F 1951
 8.23" 2020  0.09" 1902  79.9°F 1983  73.3°F 1917
 7.90" 1950  0.20" 1983  79.7°F 2020  73.4°F 1925
 7.84" 1918  0.50" 1901  79.6°F 2017  73.4°F 1918
 7.34" 1954  0.51" 1993  79.3°F 2014  73.6°F 1954


Wettest Driest Hottest Coolest
9.38" 1927  Trace 2005  82.2°F 1983  73.8°F 1951
9.27" 2012  0.45" 1951  80.9°F 2024  74.0°F 1907
7.18" 1913  0.46" 1924  80.9°F 1981  74.1°F 1939
6.04" 2017  0.47" 1916  80.7°F 2010  74.1°F 1922
5.41" 1958  0.51" 2014  80.1°F 2014  74.1°F 1917


Wettest Driest Hottest Coolest
15.00" 2005 0.08" 1997 82.5°F 2014 74.3°F 1922
13.17" 1915 0.28" 1984 81.8°F 1984 74.6°F 1921
10.37" 1988 0.42" 1935 81.7°F 1983 74.7°F 1938
10.23" 1940 0.50" 1968 81.6°F 2024 75.0°F 1945
10.06" 2006 0.83" 1928  81.5°F 2020 75.2°F 1923


Wettest Driest Hottest Coolest
16.88" 1936  0.44" 1972 84.5°F 2024 76.1°F 1913
14.99" 1965  0.48" 1973 84.1°F 2020 76.7°F 1929
14.54" 2013 0.71" 1925 83.8°F 1980 76.8°F 1918
13.97" 1902 1.04" 1975 83.4°F 1981 77.2°F 1943
13.82" 1932  1.09" 2022 83.3°F 2007 77.3°F 1946


Wettest Driest Hottest Coolest
13.60" 2011 0.16" 2012 86.1°F 2024 77.8°F 1913
12.22" 1902 0.29" 1985 85.7°F 2012 78.2°F 1923
11.76" 1938  0.77" 2014 85.6°F 2023 78.4°F 1943
11.29" 2013 0.98" 1997 85.4°F 1983 78.5°F 1939
10.96" 1965 1.24" 1971 85.2°F 2014 78.5°F 1922


Wettest Driest Hottest Coolest
14.17" 2013 1.10" 1929 85.7°F 2024 78.7°F 1921
11.23" 1950 1.12" 1974 85.1°F 1980 78.8°F 1913
11.08" 2011 1.41" 1947 85.0°F 2014 78.9°F 1919
10.98" 1901 1.61" 2015 84.9°F 1981 79.1°F 1949
10.97" 1952 1.69" 1971 84.8°F 2009 79.1°F 1925


Wettest Driest Hottest Coolest
18.56" 2011 1.53" 1919 85.8°F 2024 78.9°F 1904
14.10" 1944 1.83" 1994 85.2°F 2023 79.0°F 1913
11.31" 1988 1.93" 1982 85.0°F 1980 79.4°F 1921
10.39" 1928 1.94" 1991 84.6°F 2020 79.5°F 1909
10.38" 1899 2.36" 1915 84.6°F 1982 79.6°F 1922


Wettest Driest Hottest Coolest
15.79" 2017 1.49" 1940 86.1°F 2024 79.3°F 1910
15.15" 1996 1.73" 1987 85.8°F 2023 79.6°F 1921
14.83" 1989 1.78" 2006 85.0°F 2021 79.6°F 1904
13.68" 1928 1.93" 1961 84.9°F 2019 79.7°F 1922
13.66" 1899 1.98" 1986 84.9°F 2012 79.7°F 1917


Wettest Driest Hottest Coolest
15.06" 1970 1.17" 1979 85.6°F 2024 78.3°F 1917
12.15" 1927 1.61" 1915 85.4°F 2023 78.3°F 1913
11.94" 2005 1.63" 1963 84.6°F 2015 79.0°F 1922
11.25" 2006 1.74" 1992 84.4°F 2009 79.1°F 1935
11.10" 1985 1.77" 2015 84.4°F 1980 79.2°F 1936


Wettest Driest Hottest Coolest
17.65" 2016 1.48" 1954 82.7°F 2023 77.2°F 1945
15.96" 1979 1.63" 1910 82.5°F 2024 77.2°F 1922
15.64" 1931 1.91" 1980 82.4°F 2012 77.2°F 1898
15.04" 1950 2.31" 1971 82.2°F 2021 77.3°F 1919
13.29" 1915 2.62" 1947 82.2°F 2019 77.3°F 1913


Wettest Driest Hottest Coolest
16.81" 1981 0.68" 1963 81.5°F 2019 74.7°F 1917
15.40" 1910 0.98" 1925 81.2°F 2024 74.8°F 1916
12.64" 1922 1.02" 1997 80.8°F 2016 74.8°F 1909
11.79" 2001 1.66" 1914 80.2°F 1980 74.8°F 1906
10.86" 1911 1.69"1916 80.2°F 2013 75.0°F 1923

Click here to return to unique local climate data web page for the NWS San Juan


Climate Records since 1953

Wettest -Highest total rainfall for the calendar month

Driest- Lowest total rainfall for the calendar month

Hottest - Highest average temperatures for the calendar month

Coolest - Lowest average temperature for the calendar month

* Calculations were made for records with no more than three missing days of data for any variable. 


Saint Thomas


Wettest Driest Hottest Coolest
4.83" 2006 0.48" 2013 80.8°F 1994 75.0°F 1955
4.67" 1995 0.75" 2021 80.2°F 1995 76.0°F 1956
4.19" 1956 0.76" 2007 80.1°F 1993 76.5°F 1953
3.97" 2008 3.97" 1991 79.9°F 1996 76.6°F 1954
3.62"  1992  0.87" 1976 79.9°F 2024 76.7°F 1958


Wettest Driest Hottest Coolest
13.35" 2015 0.42" 1987 81.2°F 1994 75.8°F 1956
3.96" 1954 0.47" 1993  80.9°F 1995 76.2°F 1999
3.79" 1956 0.52" 2010 80.5°F 1993 76.2°F 1955
3.31" 1983 0.58" 1988 80.4°F 2021 76.2°F 1954
3.02" 1982 0.60" 2008 80.4°F 1996 76.6°F 1957


Wettest Driest Hottest Coolest
6.23" 2004 0.01" 2008 81.8°F 1993 74.5°F 2018
5.83" 2017 0.36" 1959 81.7°F 1994 76.5°F 2009
4.37" 1961  0.44" 1984 81.3°F 1979 76.5°F 2000
3.95" 2012 0.52" 1991 81.0°F 2010 76.6°F 1955
3.95" 1975 0.58" 2021 81.0°F 1996 77.0°F 2011


Wettest Driest Hottest Coolest
11.20" 2003 0.23" 1953 84.0°F 1993 77.4°F 1955
6.66" 1978 0.48" 1985 83.2°F 1995 78.2 °F 2008
6.52" 1986 0.54" 2004 83.2°F 1994 78.4°F 1956
6.22" 2007 0.57" 2000 82.4°F 1979 78.4°F 1954
4.75" 1960 0.67" 1991 82.1°F 1992 78.6°F 1976


Wettest Driest Hottest Coolest
9.98" 1979  Trace" 2020 85.9°F 1994 79.3°F 1959
9.80" 1987 0.06" 2008 84.8°F 1995 79.7°F 1957
8.22" 1980 0.28" 2007 83.7°F 2016 79.8°F 1986
8.04" 2011 0.47" 1973 83.5°F 1973 79.8°F 1956
7.00" 1958 0.58" 1975 83.4°F 1993 80.0°F 1963


Wettest Driest Hottest Coolest
9.51" 2010 0.07"  2007 86.4°F 1994 80.0°F 1956
8.29" 1956 0.08" 2012 86.4°F 1976 81.0°F 1976
6.97" 1983 0.14"  2014 86.2°F 1996 81.6°F 1981
5.33" 2009 0.18" 2003 85.7°F 2017 81.6°F 1972
5.00" 1973 0.28" 1989 85.7°F 1995 81.7°F 2009


Wettest Driest Hottest Coolest
7.75" 2019 0.03" 2007  86.6°F 1979 81.8°F 1956 
7.41" 1958 0.22" 2015 86.5°F 1994 82.1°F 1955
7.40" 2010 0.24" 1956 86.2°F 1993 82.3°F 1954
5.74" 2005 0.74" 1994 86.0°F 2023 82.4°F 1958
4.85" 1963 0.81"  2014 85.9°F 1995 82.6°F 1964


Wettest Driest Hottest Coolest
9.14" 2011  0.70" 1993 87.3°F 1994 81.2°F 1956
8.54" 1963 0.98" 1991 87.2°F 1993 82.2°F 1989
8.22" 2005 1.26" 2002 85.8°F 2023 82.3°F 1954
7.76"  2014 1.75" 2015 85.7°F 2020 82.6°F 1955
7.53" 2013 1.75" 2009 85.6°F 1992 82.9°F 1983


Wettest Driest Hottest Coolest
14.94" 1953 0.92" 2012 86.3°F 1993 80.3°F 1979
13.89" 2004 1.08" 1986 86.0°F 2023 80.4°F 1954
12.86" 2008 1.42" 1987 85.7°F 1992 81.3°F 1956
11.43" 1979 1.59" 2018 85.6°F 1994 81.6°F 2008
11.03" 1960 1.62" 1983 85.1°F 2020 81.9°F 1974


Wettest Driest Hottest Coolest
16.20" 2010 1.95" 2011 85.5°F 1993 78.7°F 1954
12.49" 2005 2.00" 1988 85.4°F 1994 80.3°F 1956
12.45" 1974 2.21" 1979 85.2°F 1992 80.5°F 2010
12.39" 1954 2.22" 1957   84.1°F 2024 80.6°F 1985
11.04" 2008 2.27" 2009  84.1°F 2019 81.0°F 1974


Wettest Driest Hottest Coolest
18.39" 2003  0.78" 1962 83.3°F 1994 78.1°F 2010
14.73" 1984 0.90" 1963 83.2°F 1990 78.1°F 1954
10.97" 2013 1.35" 1980 82.8°F 1993 78.8°F 1956
10.36" 1987 1.49" 1973 82.4°F 2023 79.1°F 1982
10.15" 1974 1.62" 1976 82.3°F 2019 79.3°F 1974


Wettest Driest Hottest Coolest
9.87" 1960 0.63" 1963 81.8°F 1994 75.7°F 2010
7.45" 1957 0.76" 1956 81.6°F 1993 76.1°F 1964
7.34"  2013 1.12"  2000 81.2°F 2019 76.2°F 1954
6.66"  1981 1.29"  1958 81.1°F 1992 77.0°F 1982
5.93" 1998  1.38" 1991 80.9°F 1987 77.7°F 1974

Click here to return to unique local climate data web page for the NWS San Juan


Climate Records since 1951

Wettest -Highest total rainfall for the calendar month

Driest- Lowest total rainfall for the calendar month

Hottest - Highest average temperatures for the calendar month

Coolest - Lowest average temperature for the calendar month

* Calculations were made for records with no more than three missing days of data for any variable. 


Saint Croix


Wettest Driest Hottest Coolest
7.35" 1963 0.40" 2019 81.5°F 2024 73.4°F 2012 
5.26" 2005 0.41" 2018 80.6°F 1973 75.2°F 1979 
4.77" 1952 0.49" 2011 80.0°F 1994 75.5°F 1955 
3.74" 1999 0.50" 2016 79.7°F 1999 75.7°F 1965 
3.42" 1964 0.54" 1977 79.7°F 1998 75.9°F 1956 


Wettest Driest Hottest Coolest
4.86" 2022 0.11" 2005 80.2°F 1994 74.8°F 2012
4.23" 1995 0.18" 1983 80.0°F 2019 76.0°F 1956
3.59" 1988 0.30" 1986 79.9°F 2024 76.4°F 1999
3.54" 1956 0.32" 2010 79.9°F 1998 76.4°F 1952
3.51" 1976 0.39" 2019  79.8°F 2021 76.5°F 1982


Wettest Driest Hottest Coolest
6.40" 2017 0.02" 2019 81.5°F 2024 75.8°F 1951
4.15" 1985 0.17" 1951 80.6°F 2010 75.9°F 1982
3.81" 2012 0.29" 2023 80.6°F 1983 75.9°F 1955
3.76" 2020 0.29" 2003 80.5°F 1973 76.1°F 1979
3.41" 1972 0.39" 2005 80.3°F 1998 76.8°F 2011


Wettest Driest Hottest Coolest
8.53" 2003 Trace 1988 82.0°F 1958 75.7°F 1982
8.24" 1983 0.02" 1997 81.7°F 1973 76.6 °F 1955
7.69" 2017 0.22" 1953 81.3°F 2000 77.3°F 1954
5.38" 1952 0.31" 2004 81.3°F 1987 77.9°F 1979
5.17" 1960 0.46" 1987 81.3°F 1972 78.5°F 1956


Wettest Driest Hottest Coolest
14.03" 1981 0.22" 1974 84.4°F 1994 77.1°F 1982
11.38" 2001 0.34" 2023 83.6°F 1988 78.4°F 1979
8.89"  1987 0.35" 2022 83.4°F 1973 79.2°F 1959
8.42" 1979 0.37" 2003 83.3°F 1972 79.4°F 1955
8.09" 2004 0.39" 2002 83.2°F 1977 79.7°F 2011


Wettest Driest Hottest Coolest
7.83" 1987 0.10" 2001 85.6 °F 2020 79.5°F 1982
7.31" 2011 0.12" 1985 85.6 °F 1980 80.2°F 1979
7.03" 2010 0.26" 2012 85.1°F 2024 80.6°F 1955
6.34" 1979 0.47" 2014 85.0°F 2023 81.2°F 1956
4.90" 2013 0.49" 2019 85.0°F 1972 81.4 °F 2007


Wettest Driest Hottest Coolest
7.62" 1958 0.49" 1976 86.5°F 1989 81.2°F 1956
6.91" 1964 0.77"  2015  85.6°F 2024 81.2°F 1952
6.57" 2011 0.90" 2014 85.3°F 1985 81.4°F 1955
6.17" 1960 0.95" 2009 85.2°F 2020 81.5°F 1951
6.14" 1952 1.08" 2017 85.0°F 2014 81.6°F 2011


Wettest Driest Hottest Coolest
11.41"1979 1.35" 2005 86.7°F 2023 81.4°F 1978
11.04" 1989  1.40" 1980 86.5°F 1989 81.4°F 1956
7.80" 1978  1.51" 2009 85.9°F 2020 81.4°F 1955
6.99" 1963  1.53" 1982 85.2°F 2022 81.7°F 1975
6.81" 2011 1.63" 1987 85.1°F 2024 81.9°F 2006


Wettest Driest Hottest Coolest
19.15" 1996 0.76" 2023 87.7°F 2023 80.0°F 1954
11.80" 2022 1.07" 1981 85.3°F 1993 80.1°F 1975
9.80" 1953 1.27" 2015 84.9°F 1972 80.3°F 1978
9.03" 1954 1.53" 2021 84.8°F 1997 80.7°F 1955
9.00" 1952 1.64" 2001 84.8°F 2024 81.0 °F 1952


Wettest Driest Hottest Coolest
12.95" 1990 1.05" 1964 85.6°F 2023 78.8°F 1954
11.79" 1954 1.10" 2002 84.5°F 2024 80.0°F 2010
10.12" 2006 1.12" 2019 84.3°F 1993 80.3°F 1981
9.09" 2008 1.23" 1960 84.3°F 1972 80.3°F 1951
9.09" 1985 1.39" 2016 83.7°F 2020 80.6°F 2008


Wettest Driest Hottest Coolest
18.03" 2003 1.00" 2021 83.9°F 2023 77.5°F 1974
16.34" 1974 1.11" 1976 83.3°F 1997 78.1°F 1979
13.25 " 1987 1.75" 1964 82.2°F 1998 78.3°F 2010
12.70" 1984 1.86" 1997 82.6°F 1980 78.6°F 1977
11.21" 1977 1.92" 2008 82.5°F 1993 78.7°F 1978


Wettest Driest Hottest Coolest
14.03" 1960 0.37" 2010 81.3°F 1998 75.8°F 1964
9.07" 1975 0.60" 2022 81.2°F 2024 75.9 °F 2010
7.86" 2001  0.75" 2008 81.2°F 2019 76.4°F 1952
7.53" 1995 0.79" 1963 81.1°F 2023 76.8°F 1954
 6.80" 1957 0.89" 1958 81.0°F 2021 77.0°F 2011

Click here to return to unique local climate data web page for the NWS San Juan