National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Lingering Cold and Snow in the Great Lakes/Appalachians/Northeast; Pacific Storms Continue to Impact the Northwest

In the wake of a storm lifting through the Canadian Maritimes, heavy snow will continue downwind of the Great Lakes through this weekend and over parts of the Appalachians and interior Northeast through Friday along with gusty winds. Several Pacific storms will continue periods of low elevation rain showers and mountain snow over the Northwest U.S. today thorough this weekend. Read More >


Lightning Safety Awareness Week June 21-28, 2015




Lightning Safety 2015


Safety Facts Videos Links


A bolt of lightning is one of the more beautiful displays that Mother Nature provides.  However, it is also one of the most deadly.  Over the past 30 years, lightning ranks as the #3 severe weather killer, falling behind tornadoes and flooding and ranking just ahead of hurricanes.  Thanks to increased awareness, lightning fatalities have fallen over the past 15 to 20 years.  Lightning is also responsible for more than $1 billion in damages annually.  Due to both the frequency of thunderstorms as well as its sheer size, Texas experiences twice as many cloud to ground lightning strikes as the next closest state (Florida).  Following some simple safety precautions can save your life in the event that you are caught outdoors during a thunderstorm.



Lightning Safety

  • Plan ahead!  Know the weather forecast before you head out.
  • The best way to avoid harm from lightning is to be inside a safe structure during a thunderstorm.
  • A safe structure is one that is fully enclosed with a roof, walls and a floor, and has plumbing or wiring.
  • Unsafe structures include tents, patios, carports, baseball dugouts, greenhouses, and sheds.
  • Avoid showers, sinks, tubs, and electrical equipment such as computers, corded telephones, stoves and radios.


If you are caught outside in a thunderstorm...

  • Try to find a safe structure.
  • Take shelter inside of a vehicle.
  • Spread out (to avoid multiple victims in the event of a strike)
  • Avoid tall objects or high ground, standing water, metal objects, and open spaces.



Static buildup
Fig 2. Static buildup sometimes precedes a lightning strike.
If you feel your skin begin to tingle or your hair standing on end, this is due to the rapid build-up of static charge.  This is Nature's final warning.  However, this is not a reliable indicator as many lightning strikes occur with no warning.  If this happens, seek shelter immediately.  DO NOT lie flat on the ground.


Lightning Facts

  • Over the past 30 years lightning has killed an average of more than 50 people per year.  However, over the past 10 years, the average falls to 35 fatalities.
  • Approximately 300 additional injuries are documented each year, however, many injuries are not reported.
  • Eighty percent of lightning casualties are male.
  • Lightning can heat the air as high as 50,000 degrees Fahrenheit and may carry as much as 1,000,000 volts.



 Lightning Incidents
Lightning Indicidents by Activity Lightning Incidents by Gender Lightning Incidents by Location
By Activity By Gender By Location


Fact or Myth?

Myth: Lightning never strikes twice in the same place!
Fact:  It has been well documented that lightning may strike certain objects frequently.

Myth: Rubber tires keep you safe in a car!
Fact:  Most cars are safe but that is largely due to the metal frame of the vehicle.

Myth:  A lightning strike victim may hold an electrical charge, making medical assistance dangerous!
Fact:  The human body does NOT store electricity.  Administer first aid, possibly including CPR, as quickly as possible.

Myth:  If outside in a thunderstorm, it is advisable to take shelter beneath a tree!
Fact:  Being underneath a tree is the 2nd leading cause of lightning casualties.








When Thunder Roars Go Indoors
Fig 3. Leon Safety Poster

National Weather Service Lightning Safety

Lightning Safety for Outdoor Sports and Activities




Lightning Safety:  Minimizing Your Risk




Indoor Lightning Safety




Lightning Myths




Lightning Statistics


Understanding Lightning




Cloud to Ground Lightning Strikes by State




Lightning Flash Density Map


Kids Corner


Teacher Tools