San Diego, CA
Weather Forecast Office
A - "Current Conditions" - This is the latest weather report for a representative location in the forecast zone or area that was selected by clicking on the map.
B- "More Local Wx:" - This is a link to additional weather reports in the surrounding vicinity.
C - "Extended Forecast for" (Forecast Icons) - The weather in the icons can be overly pessimistic and doesn't reflect changes that may occur within a 12-hour daytime or nighttime period. For example, mostly cloudy becoming mostly sunny would probably be represented as partly cloudy or mostly cloudy by an icon. If there is any fog at any time in a 12-hour daytime or nighttime period, the icon will show fog for the entire 12-hour daytime or nighttime period.
D - "Detailed Forecast" - This is the forecast for the small area shown by the green box on the map at right.
E - "Click Map for Forecast" (detailed map) - If you click on this map, you will get a forecast for the small area (neighborhood) where you clicked.
F - "Additional Forecasts and Information" - This section contains links for additional information such as for a forecast discussion, observed rainfall, or a zoomed-in fog/vis satellite image.
G - "Additional Resources" - This section contains links to Radar and Satellite Images, the hourly weather forecast and the National Digital Forecast Database (NDFD). You can see the hourly breakdown in changing weather conditions and a graphical, map-based view of regional weather.
US Dept of Commerce
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Weather Service
San Diego, CA
11440 W. Bernardo Court, Suite 230
Comments? Questions? Please Contact Us.