National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Mountain Observations

Click the station name to see data from the past 3 days.

*Stations are not owned or maintained by the National Weather Service. Please contact station owner in the event of data outages or data inaccuracies.

ID Elev. Station Date/Time Temp (°F) Dewpt (°F) RH Dir Spd (mph) Gst (mph)
HUR53 5,250' Hurricane Ridge              
MTB50 5,020' Mount Baker - Pan Dome              
NLM34 3,430' Newhalem (State Route 20)              
STS48 4,790' Stevens Pass - Grace Lakes              
SNO30 3,010' Snoqualmie Pass              
CMT46 4,540' Crystal Mountain (base)              
CMT69 6,830' Crystal Mountain (summit)              
SUN69 6,880' Mount Rainier - Sunrise (upper)              
MU101 10,110' Mount Rainier - Camp Muir              
PVC54 5,400' Mount Rainier - Paradise              
TWHIT 4,498' White Pass              


Clickable Mountain Forecast Map

Click mountain region to zoom in for localized forecast.

North Washington CascadesCentral Washington CascadesOlympic MountainsClick Here to enter your own lat/lon coordinates

Mount Rainier Recreational Forecast

Freezing / Snow Level Forecasts within a general text forecast:
Cascades of Whatcom and Skagit Counties
Cascades of Snohomish and Northern King Counties
Cascades of Southern King County
Cascades of Pierce and Lewis Counties
Olympic Mountains

Northwest Weather and Avalanche Center
(forecasts routinely available mid-November through mid-April)

Mountain Highway and Pass Reports

Mountain Web Cams

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