Seattle/Tacoma, WA
Weather Forecast Office
This flood season there is a change in the flood services for the National Weather Service Seattle`s Hydrologic Service Area for the South Fork Stillaguamish River in Snohomish County. Effective today, the river forecast point/flood warning point on the South Fork Stillaguamish River has been moved from the stream gauge at Granite Falls to the stream gauge at Jordan Road Bridge. Starting today, river forecasts and flood warnings will now be based on the Jordan Road Bridge stream gauge. These gauges can be seen on our AHPS website at: South Fork Stillaguamish River at Jordan Road Bridge: Flood warnings for this site are for the river valley including Jordan Road and the Robe Valley, Granite Falls, and Blue Spruce areas. These are the NWS flood levels for this new location: Flood Stage/Minor Flood: 14.5 feet Moderate Flood: 16.0 feet Major Flood: 17.0 Feet The reason for change in the forecast point on the South Fork Stillaguamish River stems from the lack of the ability to make accurate stream measurements at the Granite Falls gauge location, which relates the gauge height reading to the flow of water. If you would like more information about the National Weather Service hydrologic services in the Seattle area, please contact Brent Bower, Senior Service Hydrologist, at 206-526-6095.
US Dept of Commerce
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Weather Service
Seattle/Tacoma, WA
7600 Sand Point Way NE
Seattle, WA 98115-6349
(206) 526-6087
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