National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Outside, Standing on Line


I was trying to seek shelter in the shark encounter outside viewing area at a theme park because it had a large cover but was denied so I went to stand under the shark feeder that happened to be next to the flag pole. Lightning struck the flag pole and then me. It came in through my left hand and exited out of my right foot. I was taken to the a hospital in Orlando, FL.  I was 24 years old and a mom studying to become a nurse when I was struck. I have suffered long-term issues including chronic severe pain, swelling in my lower extremities, heart problems, severe headaches and fatigue. I don't know what life has in store for me but its 7 years later and I'm still in horrendous pain and doctors have no idea how to help me. 

Editor's Note: No place outside is safe during a thunderstorm.  Seek shelter in a fully enclosed substantial building with electricity or plumbing.