The National Weather Service (NWS) stopped recommending the crouch in 2008. Why? The crouch simply doesn't provide a significant level of protection. Whether you're standing or in the crouch position, if a lightning channel approaches from directly overhead (or very nearly so), you're very likely to be struck and either killed or injured by the lightning strike. Rather than "what to do in a dangerous situation" NWS focuses on "what to do so you don't get into a dangerous situation," and, "if you do find yourself in a dangerous situation, how to get out of the dangerous situation."
Promoting the crouch gives people the false impression that crouching will provide safety. Even to promote the crouch as a last resort when a person's hair stands on end gives people the impression that they will get a warning sign or that there is something that they can do in that situation which would prevent them from being struck.These beliefs could cause people to become apathetic and not seek a safe shelter before the lightning threat becomes significant.
So...what do you do when _____(fill in the blank)_____ and you can't get to a safe place? There is no safe place outside in a thunderstorm. NOAA's recommendations are based on safety. If you can't get inside a substantial building or hard-topped metal vehicle, you can't be safe. While there may be nothing you can do to lower your risk significantly, there are things you should avoid which would actually increase the risk of being struck. Those include: