Each National Weather Service Forecast Office issues some or all of the following heat-related products as conditions warrant. NWS local offices often collaborate with local partners to determine when an alert should be issued for a local area. For instance, residents of Florida are much more prepared for 90°F+ weather than residents in Alaska.
Extreme Heat Warning—Take Action! An Extreme Heat Warning is issued when extremely dangerous heat conditions are expected or occurring. Avoid outdoor activities, especially during the heat of the day. If you must be outside, be sure to drink plenty of water and take frequent breaks in the shade. Stay indoors in an air-conditioned space as much as possible, including overnight. Check on family and neighbors.
Extreme Heat Watch—Be Prepared! An Extreme Heat Watch is issued when conditions are favorable for an extreme heat event but its occurrence and timing is still uncertain. Plan to suspend all major outdoor activities if a warning is issued. If you do not have air conditioning, locate the nearest cooling shelter or discuss staying with nearby family or friends who have air conditioning.
Heat Advisory—Take Action! A Heat Advisory is issued for dangerous heat conditions that are not expected to reach warning criteria. Consider postponing or rescheduling outdoor activities, especially during the heat of the day. If you must be outside, be sure to drink plenty of water and take frequent breaks in the shade. Stay in a cool place, especially during the heat of the day and evening.