Blacksburg, VA
Weather Forecast Office
This course is designed for senior class meteorology majors with a strong interest in operational forecasting. The course will provide unique meteorological training related to an array of topics in operational weather forecasting. Students will fully experience the working environment of a National Weather Service Forecast Office, helping to guide them in their career path while also providing a competitive advantage should they aspire to work for the National Weather Service.
Grades for this course will be on a pass/fail basis and based on the cumulative level of performance in completing online training modules, attendance/participation, two weather event simulations, and routinely maintaining a journal. Performance assessments will be made by the instructors through consultation with the National Weather Service personnel responsible for overseeing the work of each student.
Capitalizing on the unique learning experience that this course presents requires commitment, hard work and study, and proficiency in mathematics and synoptic meteorological analysis. Absolute cooperation with the NWS personnel who are providing the training is a must. It is strongly suggested that each student not lag in study of the material and that student colleagues collaborate with one another during the semester.
The Virginia Tech Honor Code will be strictly enforced in this course. For details, please visit:
Current Hazards
Severe Weather
Winter Weather
Local Storm Reports
Drought Conditions
Current Conditions
Air Quality
Observations List
Observations Map
Upper Air Soundings
Bufkit Data
Fire Weather
Spot Forecasts
Air Quality Forecast
National Graphical Forecast
Aviation Forecasts
River Observations (Map)
River Forecasts (Map)
Current and Past Streamflow
Excessive Rainfall Outlooks
Experimental Long-Range Flood Risk
Climate/Past Weather
Climate Information
Precipitation Estimate (Click Enabled)
Snow and Ice Information (Click Snow and Ice)
Past Events
Weather Extremes / Top 10s
Citizens Weather Observing Program (CWOP)
Tropical Cyclone Reports
US Dept of Commerce
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Weather Service
Blacksburg, VA
1750 Forecast Drive
Blacksburg, VA 24060
Comments? Questions? Please Contact Us.