Blacksburg, VA
Weather Forecast Office
NWS Blacksburg WSR-88D Doppler Radar Down Saturday Nov 23rd
The KFCX WSR-88D Doppler radar operated by the NOAA National Weather Service in Blacksburg, VA will be down during this time for maintenance being performed on the dome.
During the outage, radar coverage is available from adjacent radar sites including ( Raleigh, NC (KRAX); Wakefield, VA (KAKQ); Sterling, VA (KLWX); Charleston, WV (KRLX); Morristown, TN (KMRX); and Greenville-Spartanburg, SC (KGSP) .
For a radar mosaic loop for the region:
The National Weather Service’s Blacksburg Forecast Office is the primary source of weather data, forecast and warnings for about 1.7 million people in parts of southeast West Virginia, western Virginia and northwest North Carolina.
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Blacksburg, VA
1750 Forecast Drive
Blacksburg, VA 24060
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