National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Winter Storm Summary Banner
Possible Winter Storm Next Week|Halloween Climatology| Reporting


SYNOPSIS: An approaching upper level disturbance will bring rain and snow showers across western Wyoming for Halloween. Minor snow accumulations will be possible across areas above 7000 feet, with little expected elsewhere. Mild and mainly dry conditions are expected across the remainder of the region. Gusty winds of 40 to over 50 MPH will also be possible for Saturday, mainly across the Cody Foothills and the wind corridor from Rock Springs to Casper.  


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Rain and snow will be possible across western Wyoming for Halloween. Mainly dry, mild, and breezy conditions are then expected elsewhere.

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Don't forget to Fall Back your clocks 1 hour either Saturday night or Sunday morning as Daylight Savings Time ends on Sunday, November 1st at 2:00 AM


Possible Winter Storm Next Week:

A large upper level low looks to push across the region next week. This could bring the season's first winter storm, with snow possible across most areas. Stay tuned for the latest updates. 

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A large upper level disturbance could bring the regions first winter storm next week. Stay tuned for updates!


Watch our latest weekly weather briefing for more details on the Halloween weekend and the potential snow storm next week.


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Halloween Climate - Click to enlarge Halloween Climate Continued - Click to enlarge

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Halloween Climate for Big Piney Airport and Rock Springs Airport.

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Halloween Climate for Lander Airport, Riverton Airport, and Downtown Riverton.


Halloween Climate Continued - Click to enlarge Halloween Climate Continued - Click to enlarge

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Halloween climate for Casper Airport, Buffalo Airport, and Downtown Buffalo.

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Halloween climate for Worland Airport, Greybull Airport, and Downtown Greybull.




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