National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce
MTR 498/598
NC State/NWS Intern Course

This is an internship experience at the Raleigh National Weather Service (NWS) Office for meteorology majors interested in a career in operational weather forecasting.  Activities include job shadowing, weather analysis, development of area forecast discussions, weather and storm summaries, seasonal familiarization sessions, site visits, and participation in routine shift operations of the NWS.

Learn more about this experience by viewing recent Newsletters:

Spring 2018, Summer 2018, Spring 2019



NWA Conference Poster on the NC State/NWS Raleigh Internship



AWIPS Familiarization Reference and Worksheet

NEXRAD Eye to the Sky Video

NOAA Technical Memo Operational Mesoanalysis

HPC Unified Surface Analysis Manual

Forecast Process - A General Approach to Weather Forecasting

Another Forecast Process View - Weather Forecasting Techniques and Tools

Area Forecast Discussion Reference

MetTalks: Exploring Careers in Governmental Meteorology (Playlist)



Summer 2023 Schedule


Semester runs: May 17 - August 3


Visit 1 (Orientation): Intro to program, NWS organization, who we serve


Student homework: (homework is always due before next week’s meeting, with the exception of this week):

Complete the “Welcome to the National Weather Service” LMS training (45 minutes)


Visit 2: Public service duties

  • Entry Level Met Duties:

    • Data collection/QC

    • Climate

    • Hydro/Rivers

    • Media/public calls

    • Social Media

    • What to expect in first year of met position

    • Duties during active/severe weather

    • Brief Overview of AWIPS functions/tools 

Student homework (due before Week 3 visit): Review a winter case study of your choice from (no formal module to be completed)


Visit 3: AWIPS Familiarization 


Student homework: Complete your favorite 3 “SatFC-G” Satellite modules in the LMS (full list of modules available at (10-45 minutes per module)


Visit 4: Observing systems, including local observations, upper air, satellite, and radar

Student homework: Review Forecast Process - A General Approach to Weather Forecasting (9 page PDF)


Visit 5: Forecast process/forecast funnel discussion - what goes into an NWS forecast

  • Meteorological Watch

    • Situational Awareness

    • Satellite

    • Upper-air observations

    • Surface observations

  • Diagnose Cause and Effect

    • Diagnose causes of forecast departures

  • Determine Plausible Outcomes

    • Ensembles

      • dProg/dt

      • Probability charts

      • Plumes

      • Spaghetti Diagrams

    • Consistency 

    • Deterministic global/regional guidance

  • Update Forecast

Student homework: This will depend on what you’re doing each of the next 4 weeks!  Do the homework assignment based on what your next session will be.

  • Near term: Complete “Effective Use of High-Resolution Models” LMS training (2 hours)

  • Long term: Complete “Understanding the Role of Deterministic versus Probabilistic NWP Information” LMS training (45 minutes)

  • Aviation: Complete “Air Traffic Basics” and "Module 2 Digital Aviation Service GFE Grids" (1 hour) LMS training

  • Fire weather: Complete “The Structure of the NWS Fire Weather Program” LMS training (90 minutes)


Visits 6-9: Job shadowing


In this four week period, students will participate in a forecast round-robin.  Based on availability, one week will be spent working on the near-term forecast, one week will be spent working on the long-term forecast, one week will be spent working on the aviation forecast, and one week will be spent on the fire weather forecast.


Visit 10: Winter weather program overview


Discussion on the forecast process, synoptic patterns for snow/ice, past significant events for central NC. 


Visits 11-12: Career discussions with Senior Service Hydrologist, Meteorologist in Charge, Warning Coordination Meteorologist, and Science and Operations Officer


Student homework: Complete "Effective Weather Messaging for NWS Employees" LMS training (40 minutes) and at least 10 of the short "Public Speaking" training videos (20-45 minutes). Complete these prior to the meeting with the Warning Coordination Meteorologist and Science and Operations Officer. 


Visit 13: Weather Event Simulation


Visit 14: NWS Application process and resume building