NWS Phoenix
Weather Forecast Office
Phoenix, AZ | Yuma, AZ | |||||
2020 | Normal 1981-2010 |
Record 1895-2020 |
2020 | Normal 1981-2010 |
Record 1876-2020 |
Average High Temperature |
70.9 °F 51st Warmest |
70.7 °F | Warmest 79.9 °F in 2016 Coolest 60.5 °F in 1939 |
73.5 °F Tied 62nd Warmest |
73.8 °F | Warmest 82.8 °F in 1963 Coolest 64.7 °F in 1939 |
Average Temperature |
58.9 °F Tied 44th Warmest |
59.7 °F | Warmest 66.0 °F in 1991 Coolest 48.5 °F in 1939 |
61.4 °F 45th Warmest |
61.9 °F | Warmest 68.4 °F in 2015 Coolest 52.5 °F in 1894 |
Average Low Temperature |
47.0 °F Tied 39th Warmest |
48.7 °F | Warmest 53.8 °F in 2015 Coolest 33.4 °F in 1964 |
49.2 °F 35th Warmest |
50.1 °F | Warmest 55.1 °F in 2015 Coolest 37.5 °F in 1894 |
Precipitation | 1.34" 22nd Wettest |
0.92" | Wettest 4.64" in 1905 |
0.90" 19th Wettest |
0.39" | Wettest 3.43" in 1905 |
Daily Records |
Phoenix Daily Records for February 2020
1.04 in on Feb 22
Yuma Daily Records for February 2020
None |
US Dept of Commerce
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Weather Service
NWS Phoenix
1667 N Priest Dr.
Tempe, AZ 85288
(602) 275-0073
Comments? Questions? Please Contact Us.