NWS Phoenix
Weather Forecast Office
Phoenix, AZ | Yuma, AZ | |||||
2020 | Normal 1981-2010 |
Record 1895-2020 |
2020 | Normal 1981-2010 |
Record 1876-2020 |
Average High Temperature |
110.7 °F Warmest Ever |
104.4 °F | Warmest 110.7 °F in 2020 Coolest 97.0 °F in 1955 |
110.5 °F Tied Warmest Ever |
106.2 °F | Warmest 110.5 °F in 2020 Coolest 100.5 °F in 1909 |
Average Temperature |
99.1 °F Warmest Ever |
93.6 °F | Warmest 99.1 °F in 2020 Coolest 84.6 °F in 1918 |
97.5 °F 2nd Warmest |
94.3 °F | Warmest 97.8 °F in 2015 Coolest 85.3 °F in 1900 |
Average Low Temperature |
87.4 °F 2nd Warmest |
82.7 °F | Warmest 87.5 °F in 2011 Coolest 71.3 °F in 1900 |
84.6 °F 7th Warmest |
82.3 °F | Warmest 86.1 °F in 2015 Coolest 69.5 °F in 1900 |
Precipitation | 0.90" 57th Wettest |
1.00" | Wettest 5.33" in 1951 |
0.00 Tied Driest Ever |
0.47" | Wettest 6.25" in 1909 |
Daily Records |
Phoenix Daily Records for August 2020
93 °F on Aug 2 114 °F on Aug 3 89 °F on Aug 3 115 °F on Aug 13 117 °F on Aug 14 115 °F on Aug 16 115 °F on Aug 17 115 °F on Aug 18 90 °F on Aug 18 115 °F on Aug 19 91 °F on Aug 19 115 °F on Aug 24 90 °F on Aug 24 113 °F on Aug 27 90 °F on Aug 28 99.1 °F Average Monthly Temperature |
Yuma Daily Records for August 2020
114 °F on Aug 17 91 °F on Aug 17 90 °F on Aug 25 115 °F on Aug 26 |
US Dept of Commerce
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Weather Service
NWS Phoenix
1600 N Priest Dr.
Tempe, AZ 85288
(602) 275-0073
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