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PTWC Products by AWIPS ids
Last updated: Tuesday, August 16, 2016
AWIPS ID WMO ID Description
Public Tsunami Information Statement(English) for Puerto Rico and Virgin Island
TIBCAX WECA43 PHEB Tsunami Information Bulletin issued by PTWC to its regional AOR for large earthquakes in the Gulf of America, Caribbean and Atlantic areas  of which magnitudes could affect the San Juan and Caribbean areas.
TIBGUM WEGM42 PHEB Tsunami Information Statement for Guam
TIBHW1 WEHW52 PHEB Local Tsunami Information Bulletin issued by PTWC to its regional AOR for earthquakes within its regional AOR that are large enough to have been felt but that are evaluated to have no destructive tsunamigenic potential.
TIBHWX WEHW42 PHEB Tsunami Information Bulletin issued by PTWC to its regional AOR for large earthquakes in the Pacific Basin that are evaluated not to have destructive teletsunamigenic potential, or for large earthquakes with tsunamigenic potential located in the Pacific region but outside the Pacific Basin (essentially, message product 03 tailored for Hawaii).
TIBIOE WEIO33 PHEB Tsunami Information Bulletin for the Indian Ocean
TIBPAC WEPA42 PHEB Tsunami information Bulletin issued by PTWC to its U.S. and international AOR for large earthquakes in the Pacific Basin that are evaluated not to have destructive teletsunamigenic potential, or for large earthquakes with tsunamigenic potential located in the Pacific region but outside the Pacific Basin.
TIBPPG WEZS42 PHEB Tsunami Information Statement for Pago Pago
TIBSPN WECA52 PHEB Public Tsunami Information Statement(Spanish) for Puerto Rico and Virgin Island
TSUCA1 WECA60 PHEB Public Tsunami Warning/Watch/Advisory(Segmented English) for Puerto Rico and Virgin Island,
TSUCAX WECA41 PHEB Tsunami Watch/Warning issued by PTWC to its regional AOR for large earthquakes in the Gulf of America, Caribbean and Atlantic areas  of which magnitudes could affect the San Juan and Caribbean areas.
TSUGUM WEGM40 PHEB Tsunami Watch/Advisory/Warning for Guam
TSUHW1 WEHW50 PHEB Urgent Local Tsunami Warning, Watch, and/or Advisory Bulletin issued by PTWC to its regional AOR for confirmed or potentially destructive tsunamis generated in the vacinity of its regional AOR.
TSUHWX WEHW40 PHEB Tsunami Warning, Watch, and/or Advisory Bulletin issued by Pacific Tsunami Warning Center (PTWC) to its regional AOR (Hawaii) for confirmed or potentially destructive teletsunamis generated anywhere in the Pacific Basi (essentially, message product 01 tailored for Hawaii).
TSUIOE WEIO31 PHEB Tsunami Warning, Watch, and/or Advisory Bulletin for the Indian Ocean
TSUPAC WEPA40 PHEB Tsunami Warning, Watch, and/or Advisory Bulletin issued by Pacific Tsunami Warning Center (PTWC) to its U.S. and international AOR (the entire Pacific except WC/ATWC's AOR) for confirmed or potentially destructive teletsunamis generated anywhere in the Pacific Basin.  

Tsunami Watch/Advisory/Warning for Pago Pago

TSUSPN WECA50 PHEB Public Tsunami Warning/Watch/Advisory(Spanish) for Puerto Rico and Virgin Island