Philadelphia/Mt Holly
Weather Forecast Office
Lightning Risk Definitions |
Low Risk | Thunderstorms are only expected to be isolated or widely scattered in coverage (20 Percent Chance). Atmospheric conditions do not support frequent cloud-to-ground lightning strikes. |
Moderate Risk | Thunderstorms are forecast to be scattered in coverage (30-50 Percent Chance). Atmospheric conditions support frequent cloud-to-ground lightning strikes. |
High Risk | Thunderstorms are forecast to be numerous or widespread in coverage (60-100 Percent Chance). Atmospheric conditions support continuous and intense cloud-to-ground lightning strikes. |
Waterspout Risk Definitions |
None |
No threat of waterspouts |
Low Risk | Showers or thunderstorms are possible, but conditions are not particularly favorable for waterspout development. |
Moderate Risk | Showers or thunderstorms are possible, and conditions could support the development of waterspouts. Mariners and beach-goers should keep an eye on the weather. |
High Risk | Showers or thunderstorms are possible, and conditions are supportive of waterspout development. Mariners and beach-goers should keep a close eye on the weather. Listen for possible statements or warnings. |
US Dept of Commerce
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Weather Service
Philadelphia/Mt Holly
732 Woodlane Rd.
Mount Holly, NJ 08060
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