Paducah, KY
Weather Forecast Office
Storm Data reports contain detailed information on any past impactful weather or flooding events that occurred, regardless of how minor they were. These monthly reports are released on our website for the counties served by our office, usually within 60 days of the end of the month. The final version of Storm Data is published on-line by the National Climatic Data Center for the entire United States.
May Storm Data report for the Paducah NWS area
June Storm Data report for the Paducah NWS area
All monthly Storm Data reports for the Paducah NWS area
NCDC published Storm Data reports for the United States
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US Dept of Commerce
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Weather Service
Paducah, KY
8250 Kentucky Highway 3520
West Paducah, KY 42086-9762
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